Dad Creates Smart Device To Remind Kids About Chores & Homework

James Howlett was tired of repeating himself day in and day out. His kids would sometimes “forget” to do their chores and homework. James felt like his words were going in one ear and out the other. One day after watching one of his kids ask their home smart device to turn on the TV, a thought came crashing into Howlett’s head. He saw how much his kids rely on technology that he could use that to his own advantage. That put James on a path to create the first smart device to focus on homework and chores. 

Smart Device To The Rescue 

After a few weeks of contemplation and a couple of dissected smart devices, James was ready to put his “Parental Sidekick” device to the test. His newly created smart device replaced their current one. It looked very similar to their old one, but the screen was a bit larger than the original one. James thought if his kids couldn’t see their clothes on the floor in their rooms, they wouldn’t notice any changes to the device. He was right. His kids passed the device while they asked it to turn on the TV. The TV didn’t turn on and one of his kids asked again, but with some disdain in his voice. The smart device replied, “Sure, but not until you do all of your homework and your chores?” 

What’s Going On? 

Both of his kids looked stunned at the question the device just asked them. They asked again to turn on the TV, but it replied back with the same response. “DAAAAAADDD!!!!” His kids screamed for him because they didn’t know what was going on. James smiled as he walked down the stairs. He chuckled as he told his kids about their new smart device, the “Parental Sidekick” he created. They rolled their eyes as he told them that all of the devices connected to the house will not work until he or their mom enters the passcode. His kids were stunned. Reluctantly, the kids got up from the couch and did their homework and chores. James and his wife smiled knowing that their kids will have to earn time with their electronics by doing their chores and homework.  

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