Thank you for checking out The Art of Fatherhood. I would love to hear from you. Whether you want to be on the podcast or share your thoughts on being a parent please email me at artfatherhood (at) gmail (dot) com.
Brand and PR Friendly
If you are a company or a PR firm and would like to work with me please email me as well! I am always looking to work with family friendly companies that offer fun, and/or, unique products or experiences for families or parents. From podcasts, videos and articles I have a long history of working with companies over the past 10 years. Whether they are short term or long term campaigns I would love to work with you.
I have covered topics ranging from parenthood, health, food, sports, toys, sneakers, fashion, games, books, tech, travel, Pop Culture and education.
Besides email you can reach me via Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or LinkedIn or just Google Art Eddy.
Endorsements On Working With Art Eddy
“We just got word that Gil (Junger) loved his interview with you so much that he wanted more people to hear it; they’ve embedded it on Lionsgate.com/Think-Like-A-Dog page!”
– Emily Ronkar – Creative Content Director at Team Click
“Wow! This interview is amazing! Really great. I don’t even have kids and I feel like I can relate to a lot of what is discussed. Thank you so much!!”
Casey Thomas – Publicist at Sony Music.
“Just listened to this — great conversation! Loved hearing Jason’s thoughts and stories around Fatherhood! Also thank you for including Movember right at the start. It was so good to hear his story about his friend struggling during quarantine and how he just reached out and were able to help each other.”
Sheryl Tirol – Public Relations Manager at Movember
“Love this! We hope to work with you again soon :)” (Work from Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker campaign)
Courtney Dolliver – Senior Partner at CC-PR
“Your content is AMAZING – we all love it!! Thank you so much for partnering with us, and we love what you do.”
Maria Seguin – Marketing Strategy Manager at Justice