Dad Shout Out! – An Undeniable Dad Shirt

There are times where I see another dad out in the wild and it takes me back to when my kids were little. Recently I saw the most dad thing ever. It was out in a parking lot. I was leaving a store in hurricane conditions. I was walking swiftly to my car and as the rain was pouring down, a dad was holding his toddler in his arms running into the store. Everything about that encounter screamed to me that this is a stay at home dad. How do I know, because I used to be one. When my kids were little I was a stay at home dad. 

Dad Shout Out – An Undeniable Dad Shirt 

When I was dashing to my car trying not to get soaked from the hurricane force storm, the dad I mentioned was rushing by me. A few things stood out to me. The first thing that drew my attention to him was that he was wearing a Goodnight Moon shirt. The Goodnight Moon book is such a children’s book staple. When people are asked if they can bring a book to a baby shower, Goodnight Moon is gifted 100 percent of the time. The shirt color was green just like the cover of the book. Just seeing the shirt alone brought me back to when I was reading that book to my daughters when they were toddlers right before bedtime. I had a huge smile on my face since I can imagine that dad reads that book over and over again to his kid. 

Good Onya Fellow Dad 

Besides donning a dad shirt, he used a reusable grocery bag to act as a makeshift umbrella. Now some might think that he forgot an umbrella and he was scrambling to find something to shield some of the rain from his child. I say no to that theory. Because it was so windy an umbrella would just add more problems into the mix of taking his kid to the store. The bag was more aerodynamic than an umbrella would ever be. This dad knows what is up. Another note that this dad is a good father, he was singing with his kid as they were splashing in the parking lot. He did whatever he could to make sure his child was happy and felt safe. So I want to give a Dad Shout Out to that gentleman who was singing in the rain with his kid. 

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