Charles Thornburgh Talks Fatherhood, Kinjo & More 

Charles Thornburgh sits down with me to talk about his fatherhood journey. We talk about the values he looks to instill into his kids as they grow up. In addition, he shares why he loves when his kids are inquisitive and sees the importance asking questions. After that we talk about his passion for education … Read more

Michael Arterburn Talks Fatherhood, Working With SABRE & Gives Safety Tips 

Michael Arterburn stops by the Art of Fatherhood studio to chat about his fatherhood journey. He shares the values he looks to instill into his kids. After that he talks about the lessons his kids have taught him. We talk about his work with SABRE and shares safety tips that the whole family can use. … Read more

How To Raise Kids In A Digital Age

To my fellow parents raising kids in the “digital age” I feel your pain. Yet that pain doesn’t have to be so bad when you have someone in your corner. Thankfully the team over at OurPact is someone that is in your corner. As you hand your child a smartphone or tablet there are many … Read more

As Parents We Need To Talk With Our Kids About Internet Safety

Now more than ever our kids are on their devices. Virtual school has added another online experience for our children. So as parents we need to make sure we talk to our kids about all aspects of the internet and social media. To learn more on how we can protect our kids as well as … Read more