Charles Thornburgh Talks Fatherhood, Kinjo & More 

Charles Thornburgh sits down with me to talk about his fatherhood journey. We talk about the values he looks to instill into his kids as they grow up. In addition, he shares why he loves when his kids are inquisitive and sees the importance asking questions. After that we talk about his passion for education … Read more

Dad Using AI To Raise His Kids 

Mark Pandit is a fan of technology. He looks to see how the latest innovations are moving the needle. When his second kid was born, he left his corporate job and became the stay at home dad. Trying to raise two kids while his spouse was at work was a daunting task for Mark. The … Read more

Sean Herman Talks Fatherhood, Kinzoo And More   

Sean Herman sits down with me to talk about his fatherhood journey. We talk about the values he looks to instill into his kids. In addition, Sean shares how families can learn how to embrace technology, but not be addicted to it. After that we talk about Kinzoo and his inspiration to start up his … Read more

Kinzoo Flips The Script On Screen Time 

One of the things that parents struggle with is the balance of technology and their kids. We want our kids to know how to use the internet, but online safety is always a concern. During the pandemic our kids were learning about video calls and taking tests online for school. I know both parents and … Read more

Teaching Your Kids to Be in The Moment 

As parents we have all told ourselves many times to put the phone down. We are connected to our jobs, friends, and family 24/7 through our phones. The ease of technology is a blessing and a curse. If we become addicted to our phones, our kids will follow our lead. We don’t want our kids … Read more

Tech, Toys & Gear For Everyone On Your Holiday Shopping List

This year I wanted to put together a holiday gift guide that has some cool toys, the latest tech and some gear that dads will enjoy. For your kids on the list there are toys and even a program that helps them learn how to manage their money. For us parents there is gear for … Read more