The Many Gifts Kids Receive From Music

We all want our kids to be successful. We look for ways to help them find their passions. Once they follow those passions they start to grow from those experiences. In our house, music is a big part of our lives. From dancing to our favorite songs to discovering new music, we appreciate the power of music. Another way music has touched our lives has been from my youngest daughter taking up playing the saxophone. I highly encourage parents to talk to their kids about playing an instrument. There are so many benefits that come from them playing an instrument. 

The Gifts Of Playing An Instrument 

When my daughters started playing the saxophone it was a bit overwhelming for her. This was something that was totally new to her. Yet, she stuck with it and she is now being rewarded in so many ways. My wife and I are really proud of her learning an instrument and seeing it through. My wife and I saw her become more confident. That confidence was not just in playing her saxophone, but in other aspects in her life. Her teachers have been telling us how she is a natural leader at school. She enjoys trying new things. She even started playing the tuba as well at her school. My daughter is starting to play music by hearing it and not having to see sheet music. 

Giving The Gift Of Music 

For two years now we have set up lessons for our daughter through Music & Arts. She was a little timid in the beginning and wanted to do online classes. She enjoyed them, but last summer she wanted to do in person lessons at our local Music & Arts Store. Her teacher, Larry, did an outstanding job. He made the lessons relatable for someone who is just starting out. Larry was very patient and made sure my daughter was able to learn at her pace. In addition, all parents know how hectic their weekly schedules are for busy families. Larry and Music & Arts were very flexible to change a few dates around to make sure we got all our lessons in even if we couldn’t make the original lesson time. 

When she started playing the saxophone she didn’t want to practice that much. Now she enjoys practicing both the saxophone and tuba. She will even play for the rest of the family with an impromptu concert from time to time. One of the best things for me as a dad is to see the huge smile once she plays a song for us. I am so proud of her. It is truly a gift to see all of the emotions that she has when she is playing her saxophone. 

Encourage Your Child’s Potential 

Lessons are the perfect opportunity to turn a musician’s dreams into reality, unlock their imagination, and grow from potential to possible. In fact, Music & Arts believe in the magic of music so deeply that when you purchase 3 lessons, you’ll get 1 FREE through 12/24/22! Sign up online or at your local Music & Arts store If you’re not ready to register, they have you covered with their Music & Arts Lessons Gift Cards. Purchase them online at or at your local Music & Arts store where you’ll get special in-store savings through 12/24/22. Give a gift that will keep on giving for years to come! 

Please note: I am working with Music & Arts on a sponsored campaign. I am receiving payment for my work, but my thoughts are my own.  

31 thoughts on “The Many Gifts Kids Receive From Music”

  1. What a wonderful story Art. I can’t wait until my son can play an instrument when he gets older. I have passed that store many times. I will have to stop in to learn more about the programs.

    • You and your family will have fun at Music and Arts.

  2. My daughter plays the flute and our story is similar to yours. I can attest that what you and your wife saw in your daughters is the same thing that my partner and I see in our daughter since she started playing the flute.

    • Very cool to hear Scott. Thanks for sharing your story.

  3. My husband and I were wracking our brains on what unique gift we should get our son and daughter. This is something we will look into. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    • Thank you Cindy. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  4. As a music teacher and a father I can back your experience. Music is a building block for kids. It is a way they can show off their personality. I wish more parents would talk about how music is essential for a child’s development.

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts Gerald. I appreciate the work you do as a teacher too!

    • That is great to hear!!!

  5. My children play the piano and I have seen the same attributes that you saw in your daughter. I encourage parents to take advantage of programs that Music and Arts provide.

    • Totally agree Brian.

  6. This is on the money right here. I am looking forward to having my kid take lessons next year in addition to him learning at school.

    • That is wonderful Scott.

  7. Can I say that your story is music to my ears? This is a dad website so I know you like a good dad joke. In all honesty I can’t agree with you more Art. Music really helps a child’s development in so many ways. I will need to see where the closest store is near me.

    • Haha…Great dad joke, Brian. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  8. Thanks for the Christmas gifts inspiration! I was racking my brain on what cool gift to get my kids. This is what I needed to read today!

    • Glad I could help Curt.

    • Sounds like he will love his gift from Music & Arts!!!

    • That is great to hear!

  9. Thanks for the idea. This past weekend I purchased music lessons for my kids at Music and Arts. I hope they enjoy it. I think they will. Just curious to see what instrument they are going to try.

    • That is good to hear Heath. Have a great holiday!!

  10. My partner and I have seen our son’s confidence grow since he has started playing the trumpet. I agree that playing an instrument helps with a child’s development in so many ways.

    • Thanks for sharing your story Frank. I appreciate it. Happy holidays!

    • That is awesome Jane!!

  11. My kids LOVED their gift cards to Music and Arts!!! Next month we are going to check out what lesson plans will work for them! Thanks for the great idea, Art.

    • That is awesome Pat!!!


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