These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 200 – Fantastic Dads In Literature 

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I am putting the spotlight on examples of fantastic dads in literature. These dads have qualities that real dads look to emulate. In addition, if there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their name and info in the comment section below. 

Fantastic Dads In Literature 

Arthur Weasley – Harry Potter Series 

Arthur Weasley is a pure-blood wizard. He has a large family and loves his family unconditionally. He works really hard at his job over at the Ministry of Magic. In addition, Arthur is a member of the second Order of the Phoenix. He leads by example because he believes that magical and Muggle people can live together in harmony. Plus he makes Harry Potter feel right at home when Harry would stay with the Weasleys. 

Atticus Finch – To Kill a Mockingbird

Atticus Finch is one of the most notable dads in literature. He has a lot of attributes that reals dads and families would admire. Atticus is smart, caring, and looks to always be there for his family. In addition, he is very honest with his kids. He talks about all sorts of topics with his children, but on their level. He wants his children to use the golden rule. Overall he is a dad that we all would love to be when we are raising kids. 

Bob Cratchit – A Christmas Carol 

Bob Cratchit is a fan favorite dad when it comes to fathers in literature. He works for Scrooge, who is the poster child for the world’s worst boss. Even with a job that can steal his soul, Bob is still a hard working dad. No matter the issue or the obstacle that comes to Bob and his family, he is the rock in their house. We can learn a lot about how to look at the glass half full from Bob.

Marko – Saga 

Marko and his wife, Alana seem like they are always on the run. They have a forbidden type of marriage. Marko and Alana come from opposing families during a major war. Therefore Marko has to give up the life he knows to make sure Alana and their daughter, Hazel are safe. Hazel is one of the most wanted beings in the Saga universe. Marko leaves his home and his role in the Wreath militia. Marko’s number one priority is the safety and care for his family. 

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