This week’s for the Dads Doing It Right series I am looking to put the spotlight on dads who are doing some of the finest work in parenthood. These dads are sharing honest views about life and parenting. I highly suggest you check out their work. If there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their name and info in the comment section below.

Johnathon Briggs – Fatherhood@Forty
Johnathon Briggs is a 40-something father who favors wingtip shoes and statement socks. He launched his blog, Fatherhood@Forty, in 2017, a year after he was invited to speak at his college reunion about “when life goes off script.” A classmate, apparently inspired by his remarks, pulled him aside and said, “If you had a blog, I would read it.” Fatherhood@Forty chronicles Johnathon’s journey through fatherhood, from date nights and dad bod issues to the ups and downs of raising a child with special needs. Johnathon and his family live in the ‘burbs of Chicago but every winter he dreams of returning to his home state of California.
Vincent O’Keefe – Parenting Memoirs
Vincent O’Keefe is a writer and stay-at-home father with a Ph.D. in American literature. He is writing a memoir on gender and parenting. His writing has appeared at The New York Times and The Washington Post and many other great venues. Visit him at or on Twitter @VincentAOKeefe.
Curtis Webster Jr. – Dads Married to Doctors
Curtis is a dad to three little girls and has been married to an ER Doc for over 13 years. Life is busy, but life is good! He enjoys bourbon, poker and meeting new friends, which is what led him to create the facebook group, Dads Married to Doctors. His mantra, “Life is BETTER when we do life together!” Check out his work over at his site.
Chris Cate – ParentNormal
Chris Cate has been featured on the Huffington Post’s weekly list of funniest parents on Twitter. He is also a regular contributor of parenting humor to the Huffington Post. You can see his work at McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Scary Mommy and several other parenting sites. Cate is a recovering high school teacher, TV sports reporter and spokesperson for the Governor of Florida. In addition, he occasionally does standup comedy when he is not changing diapers, stepping on toys or going to his current job in public relations. He is a three-time parent, all-time minivan driver and no-time sleeper. Check out his work at