A Reason, A Season, Or A Lifetime

“People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” – Brian A. “Drew” Chalker

Last month my family and I took a trip to New Hampshire and Boston. I grew up in New Hampshire and met my wife at college up there as well. There are so many great memories that I have from my time living in New Hampshire. My wife and I were excited to show our daughters certain places in New England that are meaningful to us. Besides seeing family, my wife and I were able to meet up with friends during that week. These friendships are the ones that will last a lifetime. While I was spending time with my college roommates there was something my buddy, Craig said that stuck with me. In addition this moment was also something that I can pass on to my kids that will hopefully help them out with their friendships. 

A Reason, A Season, Or A Lifetime 

My friend Craig and I were talking about the last time we saw each other. It was about ten years ago. While we were talking about how fast time flies, he said to me, “People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” This is a quote from Brian Chalker. We were talking about how we can pick up where we left off the last time we hung out. That phrase was so spot on. When he said that quote to me I thought about certain relationships that I have experienced in my life. I also thought about what my kids will experience in terms of their relationships as they move through their lives. I knew that quote would be a great teachable moment to share with them. 

I want to share with them the three components of that quote. The reason is when a relationship is short-lived relationship. A seasonal type of relationship is when a friend is with you during a certain period of your life. It might last for some time. It can bring you happiness and growth. You will learn a lot from the relationship, but it eventually ends. The lifetime category is when a relationship lasts forever. In addition these are the friendships you want to put the most effort in as you go through life. 

There Will Be Joy And Pain 

Each type of relationship will bring you joy and pain. The key is to try and figure out which type of relationships are the ones that will last a lifetime. I want to teach my kids to be kind in any relationship, but realize that not all friendships will last. You can mourn the loss of that relationship. I want to share with my kids that the lifetime friendships are the ones to put the most effort in as thew grow up. In addition, my wife and I tell them that they need to be there for each other. Their friendship will take effort on both sides, but is a friendship that will be one of the strongest they will ever experience. Every relationship takes work. As they get older they will start to realize which friendships will last a lifetime. 

6 thoughts on “A Reason, A Season, Or A Lifetime”

  1. This is so true. My youngest is going through some things with his best friend. They are not hanging out as much. I told him to talk to his friend about it, but he said things have changed since high school.

    • Oh no. That is sad to hear. Hope things work out for him.

  2. It is tough for anyone at any age to go through a troubled relationship. I agree with you about making sure you make time for the ones who really matter.

    • Thank you Harry.


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