Cracking The Code To Find A New Path 

One piece of advice that my wife and I pass onto our daughters is to never stop learning. In this parenting space I am constantly learning about how to be a better dad, husband and overall human being. I learn from others as they tell their story in my Art of Fatherhood podcast. 

One recent guest on my podcast, Michael Cruz, started learning how to code with Codecademy. He is using that mantra of never stop learning. He is leading by example and teaching his kids how fun it is to code. Make sure you listen to my conversation with Michael about his fatherhood journey, learning to code and the confidence he gained at work and at home from his experience with Codecademy. You can check out that interview here! 

Code Is The Essential Building Block In Any Job 

Coding has been one of the career paths that has been booming over the past few years. As technology grows we need to grow with it. You may think that coding is just for people in the IT field, but that is no longer the case. In any profession coding can help you get further in your career. From the role of a teacher to scientist to farmer, coding can help. With a background in marketing and education, Michael found himself out of work after he was laid off. The skills he learned with Codecademy helped him stand out above other candidates and land a new job. 

More and more companies are looking for people with experience in coding. I have a friend that works in advertising and he told me that his company is looking to start having employees learn to code. It will help them build websites, create new ways to look at things and help strengthen their problem solving skills. So now the question is how do you start your journey into learning how to code. That is where Codecademy comes into the mix. 

“Online education provides a unique opportunity for parents in particular to make a meaningful investment in themselves and in their careers in a way that’s flexible and accommodating. Whether it’s for five minutes a day or two hours, it’s possible for anyone to learn these skills without compromising their responsibilities at home or at work.” – Zach Sims – Co-Founder and CEO of Codecademy. 

Codecademy Makes Learning Fun And Easy 

Codecademy wanted to create a world where anyone can build something meaningful with technology. They do this by giving you tools, resources, and opportunities to learn. For them, code contains a world of possibilities. When you learn how to code, you can help make an impact in the world around you. 

At Codecademy, there is a community of instructors and peers that encourage you and help you find the best courses for you. You might think that you don’t have time to learn to code, but that is not the case. With Codecademy, you can learn on your schedule, even if just for five minutes a day. The courses are self-guided and interactive. They make you want to keep going in your coding journey. This method has helped millions of people worldwide unlock modern technical skills and reach their full potential. 

You can learn HTML, Python, JavaScript, front end engineering, cybersecurity and more. Not only will you learn skills that will better your own development, but you can pass on that passion to your kids. They can learn from you and start taking courses of their own. As the next generation of jobs start to emerge, companies will look for people with coding skills. Now is the time to take that first step in learning to code. Never stop learning. 

Please note: I teamed up with Codecademy for a paid campaign. Part of that campaign is this article, but my thoughts are my own. 

14 thoughts on “Cracking The Code To Find A New Path ”

  1. I have been thinking more and more about a career change. My job seems like it is going nowhere and I am looking for a new challenge. Thank you for sharing this. I will check out this codecademy.

    • Trent, sounds like you should definitely check out Codecademy. They are such a great company on learning code. Good luck with your new career path.

  2. I keep hearing ads on radio about coding. My kids and I were talking about how jobs will rely on knowing how to code. This article was very helpful. My kids and I enjoyed it. We will be looking more about these classes.

    • Nice to hear Adam!

  3. Codecademy sounds so cool. I haven’t heard about them, but it looks they work around your schedule. You don’t see a lot of that these days.

    • Yes sir. They have a great community of people there. Check them out!

  4. My daughter is a junior in high school. She and I have talked about a class she took that was an intro to coding at her school. She loved it. I will tell her about codecademy. This is right up her alley.

    • That is awesome Trevor. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I think code is the key to the future. My kids are into video games and I told them that if they learn to code they could work with their favorite video game companies. Their eyes almost bugged out to know that they could work for a video game company. Great article.

    • Haha…yeah if you work on something you love the possibilities are endless.

  6. Really interesting read. Coding looks to be where jobs are heading now. If you want to stay with a job that has the potential for you to climb that ladder learning code seems to be a great way to do that.

    • I agree Nathan.

  7. Well said Art. I couldn’t agree more. Teach your kids to always want to learn something new each day. From your experience working with codecademy it seems that you will always learn something new.

    • Hey Tyler thank you for the note. Codecademy is legit and they are looking to help people in so many ways.


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