How To Make Sure Your BusyKid Can Leave The Nest With Money In Their Pocket

At one time or another as a parent you have uttered the words, the days are long but the years are short. We see our kids growing up so fast. All we want is for time to slow down. Before you know it your child is off to college. There is an emptiness that fills up the house. You miss them so much that you want them back. That is until they are living in your basement after they graduate college. At this point time moves at a snail’s pace! To avoid this you and your family should check out BusyKid. 

Why Should You Have A BusyKid? 

I want to make sure I prepare my kids for when they are off on their own. I want to feel secure that they have all the tools in their belt to succeed in life. One of those areas is financial responsibility. My wife and I have set up our daughters with chores that rotate every month. Each week they get paid. Some of the money goes into savings and the rest they can keep. My wife and I want our kids to have a healthy relationship with their finances. Just as kids should never stop learning, parents need to do the same. How can parents keep teaching their kids about finances in a way that will sink in for them? Well, there is an app for that. That app is called BusyKid. 

BusyKid is designed to provide your kids with real life lessons in managing money. For as little as $19.99 a year your entire family will learn to save, share, spend, and invest real money. BusyKid provides a chore chart where the chores and allowance are preset by the age of the child. Parents have the option to manipulate these as well. In our house we have been taking part in Giving Tuesday for some time now. We are blessed to have food, clothes and a home. My wife and I teach our kids about paying it forward. Through BusyKid, your children can make a difference by donating a percentage of their allowance with a growing list of charities inside the app. I loved seeing that feature over at BusyKid. Another cool option is the bonus section. From straight A’s in school to going above and beyond helping around the house you can reward your child in the app. 

Kids Need To Understand OPM Will Not Always Be There 

What is OPM? Well in my interview Gregg Murset, who is the CEO and Co-Founder of BusyKid spoke to me about OPM or “Other People’s Money.” Kids and anyone for that matter are fine with using other people’s money. When they need to purchase something that takes money from their own account, that purchase isn’t made so fast. Your children start to appreciate the value of a dollar when it comes out of their account. BusyKid helps them save, donate and invest their money. In terms of investing, BusyKid gives your kids the opportunity to use their allowance to invest in REAL STOCK in companies like Disney, Apple, and Netflix. 

Once kids start to learn more about how to make their money work for them the better off they will be. They start to prioritize how they spend or save their money. BusyKid is not only a great app, but one heck of a conversation starter for you and your kids. They will learn better habits and you will as well. If you want your kids to live with you forever then maybe BusyKid is not for you, but if you want your child to have a happy and successful life BusyKid is one way to move in that direction. To learn more on BusyKid and all the benefits your family will gain using the app go to 

Please note: I teamed up with BusyKid for this article, but my thoughts are my own. 

22 thoughts on “How To Make Sure Your BusyKid Can Leave The Nest With Money In Their Pocket”

  1. This app is so awesome. It teaches my son great life lessons. I pay him, he spends, saves and donates to charity. I listened to your interview with Gregg. It was great. I hope more parents use BusyKId!

    • Thanks Dennis for sharing your experience with BusyKid!

  2. This sounds like something I need to check out. My wife and I were looking for ways to motivate our kids as the are getting to the age of doing chores around the house. Thanks for sharing the news about this service.

    • My pleasure Bill. I know you and your family will enjoy using BusyKid.

    • When they can see the results from their work it will make an impression on them.

  3. The fact that this has a feature to donate money is a way to teach kids about grace and charity. It today’s world of what it seems that everyone is out for themselves, kindness is needed to be taught. This is a job well done by this company.

    • I agree Troy. Paying it forward is key. I like the fact BusyKid has that feature.

  4. I listened to your interview with Greg from this company. I have been sharing the app with my dad group. I loved how you both were joking about how this will help kids get their own home. That was too funny. Keep up the great work.

    • Nice! Dad groups for the win!!!

  5. My husband and I really enjoy your podcast. When we heard the interview with Gregg we wanted to know more about Busy Kid. Thanks for this article. I know my family will benefit from using this app. What a great idea.

    • Thank you Tina. That means a lot! I appreciate your kind words!

  6. The investing aspect is really intriguing. I want my daughters to be able to be financially smart. Investing to me is a great way to start that up.

    • Love all of that Rick! Your daughters will really appreciate that.

  7. I want my kids know how to pay for things. I like that they can get a card and use the money they earned at a store. That is a life skill they need to learn.

    • Well said Aaron! The card is a great way to learn like skills.

  8. As a dad I try to teach my kids all aspects about life. When I listened to your interview with Greg from this company I like the fact he said we need to teach our kids about money, not teachers. I agree completely with that notion. Busy Kid seems like a way we can teach our kids about how to manage their finances.

    • I agree with Ken. Thanks for checking out the podcast and article.

    • That is awesome Kevin. I know you guys will like using BusyKid.


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