Gregg Murset Talks Fatherhood, BusyKid And Managing Money

Gregg Murset, who is the CEO and Co-Founder of BusyKid sits down with me to talk about his fatherhood journey. We talk about the values he and his wife instilled into his kids. Next we talk about the benefits that kids and parents can gain from using BusyKid. Gregg shares what kids should know about saving and investing money. Plus we talk about what parents can do to help their kids understand the value of money. Lastly, we finish the interview with the Fatherhood Quick Five. 

About Gregg Murset 

Gregg is a Certified Financial Planner and consultant. He has become a leading advocate for sound parenting, child accountability, and financial literacy. As a father of six, it was his idea to throw away the family paper chore chart and piggy bank. He wanted to find a way to combine the chore chart with the technology his kids were using. In 2014 Gregg took his family on a pair of RV trips where they traveled nearly 10,000 miles in 31 days. Along the way the Murset family performed normal household chores for families in need and organizations requesting volunteers. Gregg is considered a pillar of his Arizona community and is regularly attending his kids sporting events or taking them on weekend camping trips. For more on BusyKid go their website at 

About The Art of Fatherhood Podcast 

The Art of Fatherhood Podcast follows the journey of fatherhood. Your host, Art Eddy talks with fantastic dads from all around the world where they share their thoughts on fatherhood. In addition, you get a unique perspective on fatherhood. You hear from guests like Joe Montana, Kevin Smith, Danny Trejo, Jerry Rice, Jeff Foxworthy, Patrick Warburton, Jeff Kinney, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, Kyle Busch, Dennis Quaid, Dwight Freeney and many more.

13 thoughts on “Gregg Murset Talks Fatherhood, BusyKid And Managing Money”

    • Thank you Paul. Your family will really like using BusyKid.

    • Gregg opened up my eyes on a lot things. I was honored to have him on the show.

  1. I liked Art’s story of saving up for sneakers. I did the same for a playstation. That taught me a lot about how money works. Thanks Greg for sharing such great information.

    • Well said Chris. Paying it forward is a great lesson we can teach our kids.


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