LEGO Brings The Magic Of Diagon Alley To Your Home

My family and I are Harry Potter fans. A few years ago my oldest daughter started reading the Harry Potter books. She was hooked from the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. She got the rest of us into this series as well. So when we saw that LEGO came out with a Diagon Alley set we wanted to check it out. Also, with the holiday season here this is a perfect gift for your family. Your family will not only be excited that they got one awesome LEGO set, but over the holiday break you and your family will have fun putting this together. Above all, my family and I have a chance to talk as we build together.

So Much To Explore 

This LEGO set is legit. The team at LEGO for Diagon Alley made sure to capture all the details from the movies and books. Marcos Bessa, LEGO Harry Potter Design Lead  on this set said, “I love how faithful the final design is to the architectural details in the film. You can barely see some of these buildings zooming past your screen. We tracked down different photographs from the sets. Some of them from nearly 20 years ago to make sure everything is spot on. Diagon Alley is the biggest set I’ve designed to-date and I am really proud of how it has come together.”

The set has over 5,000 pieces. LEGO Diagon Alley features the famed wizarding world shops packed with authentic details from the movies to truly capture the ambience of the street. For all those who love the mini-figures you will enjoy hearing that there are 14 mini-figures in the set. There are four new to the LEGO world. They are Gilderoy Lockhart, Florean Fortescue, Lucius Malfoy and the Daily Prophet photographer.

LEGO Adds Some Harry Potter Magic 

Beyond the beauty of the set, LEGO created some magic to be unlocked in this set. LEGO has used augmented reality in the Diagon Alley kit. There is a program called Through the Bricks. You build your very own QR code. You need a smartphone or tablet that allows you to use the QR codes. How cool is that? You and your family will not only have putting the set together, but you don’t have to be a wizard to use magic. I love that LEGO created this for this set. LEGO continues to go above and beyond each year. This is just another example of that. 

Visit LEGO Harry Potter Diagon Alley with James and Oliver Phelps

About The Diagon Alley

LEGO Harry Potter Diagon Alley (75978) is a superb recreation of London’s most magical shopping street for fans of the Harry Potter movies aged 16 and up. Iconic stores packed with authentic movie details Measuring more than a meter wide, the impressive model captures the scale and ambience of the bustling magic-supplies hub. Behind magnificent facades lie intriguing interiors, fascinating features and familiar characters. Check out the wands at Ollivanders. After that, drop in on Gilderoy Lockhart’s book-signing event at Flourish & Blotts bookseller; obtain a love potion from Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes; and peruse the products and paraphernalia at Scribbulus Writing Implements, Quality Quidditch Supplies, Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor and the Daily Prophet.

Welcome to the Magical Diagon Alley™ – LEGO Harry Potter™

Please note: LEGO sent me the Diagon Alley set, but my thoughts are my own. 

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