There is no instruction manual. That is a common phrase from my guests on my parenting podcast. When I speak with dads and moms about raising kids and being a parent, they say there is no handbook. At times, new parents can feel lost. We feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. We will ask our own parents or friends for some advice. Yet, once we start finding our way and locking down a routine, our confidence level as a parent starts to climb. Moms can start to lose some confidence when they go back to work. They are balancing family and work as well as making sure they can still breastfeed. What if there was an “instruction manual” for moms and their colleagues at work to make it easier to transition from maternity leave to getting back at work? Thankfully Medela’s Kin program is that manual that helps with that transition.
Kin Makes Work WORK For New Parents
Medela’s Kin program is a customizable, single-source solution from Medela and Mamava. The Kin program uses technology, resources, and accessories specifically designed for new and expecting parents. Kin helps take out some of the stress for families as moms head back to work after maternity leave. Here are some of the benefits that Medela will provide with the Kin program. Medela and Mamava have private lactation spaces. I have seen them in airports and at sports arenas. These pods are easy-to-place lactation pods that are modern and cost-effective. Plus, Mamava’s app gives moms autonomous access and provides you with helpful insights and usage data.

Medela breast pumps are preferred by hospitals and clinicians and are the brand moms choose most. The Kin program provides Medela products to your employees. Medela also uses the latest tech. They have 24/7 Virtual Support that offers new parents on-demand, around-the-clock virtual access to live pediatric and maternal experts, including certified lactation consultants through the baby’s first year. Employees get access to unmatched breastfeeding education, resources and a community of digitally connected moms. Resources also include a beautifully designed Gift Box for new parents that is customized for each employer, and a set of client-specific engagement emails to increase awareness and use of available benefits.
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
The Kin Program is not just there for moms. It is for everyone in the workplace. Men can be fantastic advocates. If you are a manager, my hope is that you take what you have read today and talk to your HR Department. Share your knowledge with them so your company can set up a space that is clean, private and safe for moms to pump breast milk at work. Medela poses the “the sandwich test.” If you wouldn’t make a sandwich there, why would you expect someone to pump breast milk in that space? If you create a safe space for nursing moms you will create a work environment where women will feel appreciated and respected. For more on the Kin program go to the Medela website at
I saw this article on your Twitter thread. At first it was weird to see on a dad site, but the more I thought about it I get why dads should be aware of this too.
Thanks for your honesty Doug. If we always do the same thing we don’t grow as a person. That is a great lesson to teach your kids.
It is nice to see dads speaking up for their partners. I am glad to see this.
Thank you Terry.
I just shared this with my wife. She was exctied to see this as we are almost ready for our little one to make us a family of three.
Congrats Tim! Welcome to the brotherhood of fatherhood!
The sandwich test puts it right out there to make sure we give women the space the need to feel comfortable at work.
That analogy is so good.
Never thought about this at all. I will check with my HR team to see what we have in place for women coming back from maternity leave.
Glad to hear that Alan!!
I wish there were plans in place for me when I had my kids and returned to work. This would have been a lifesaver for me.
Sorry to hear you didn’t have the best experience at your work, Caitlin.