Parenting 101: Trying To Get The Toothpaste Back In The Tube 

In each stage of parenting you learn valuable lessons. We tell our kids that they should never stop learning so they can be successful in life. In the same vein, parents need to always be learning. At the same time we are learning lessons, we should be teaching those lessons to our children. We pass on our life experience to them. When your kids enter into the tween and teenage years you find it may become difficult to pass on those pieces of knowledge to them. They are looking to find their own identity and may not want to listen to what we have to say. Even if that is the case, we should still try and pass on what we have learned in life to them 

Teaching The Toothpaste Principle To Your Kids  

Have you ever heard the expression you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube? It can refer to literally trying to get the toothpaste back into the tube of toothpaste. It is like Sisyphus trying to roll that rock up the hill. Both are a losing battle. It is also in reference to the idea of once something is said or done, it cannot be unsaid or undone. You can apologize, but what you might have said in anger or frustration is out there and might have hurt the person you said it to while being angry. 

Apologizing is a great value to teach your kids, but an even better value to instill into your kids is taking a pause before you might say something vengeful. Teaching your kids to think before they speak will help them in life. My parents used to tell me that when I was a kid. I remember hearing if you don’t have anything nice to say than don’t say anything at all. Today, in our society it is easy to hide behind something you said on social media. You can remain anonymous on social media. So there is a lot more vitriol said to others these days. That is why teaching our kids the toothpaste analogy is key to making sure we leave this place better for our future generations. Kindness can go a long way and it is free. It doesn’t cost you anything to be kind. 

How Ditching The Tube Of Toothpaste Can Help Future Generations 

Another way we can help leave this place in a better place for our kids is by making a change to your toothpaste provider. Did you know that more than 900 million Toothpaste tubes are entering our landfills and oceans every year on a global scale.  Toothpaste tubes take over 500 years to break down and cannot be recycled. Luckily a company is looking to stop all that waste. Change Toothpaste created a sustainable toothpaste tablet removes the need for a tube altogether. Packaged in compostable pouches, they reduce your environmental footprint while giving you a clean, fresh brushing without any harsh chemicals. 

Change Toothpaste tablets help you make a small change with a big environmental impact. Taking small steps like using Change Toothpaste can go a long way to make healthy changes for our environment. We have started using Change Toothpaste tables in our home. We have enjoyed the flavors and knowing we are cutting down waste to protect our planet. Make sure you support the people over at Change Toothpaste! They are doing their part for our planet. We can use Change Toothpaste to do our part as well. Use the code ARTOFFATHERHOOD at checkout to receive an additional 15% off your purchase. For more information and to pick up Change Toothpaste products go to 

Please note: I am working with Change Toothpaste on a sponsored campaign. I am receiving payment for my work, but my thoughts are my own. 

24 thoughts on “Parenting 101: Trying To Get The Toothpaste Back In The Tube ”

  1. This is so true Art. I have a 3 year old son and when he gets a little older I am going to tell him that lesson. Keep up the great work.

    • Thank you Wayne. Seems like your son is lucky to have you as a dad!

  2. My partner and I was talking about this topic a month ago. With everyone on social media spitting out venom we need to teach our kids to be better. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on your platform. Change toothpaste looks like a great toothpaste alternative. I get very worried on the climate issues our kids generation and the ones after them will be facing because of our way of life. Good on Change toothpaste for the work they are doing.

    • I agree 100 percent with you Nancy! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  3. Well said Art. Too many people are not thinking before the talk these days. This is a life lesson more parents need to share with their kids. I am going to check out Change Toothpaste. I like how you said we need to do all we can to make the world a better place.

    • Thanks Craig. I appreciate your support.

  4. I fear for my grandkids. I have been reading up on global warming. We need to do more for our earth and environment. Thanks for letting me know about Change Toothpaste.

    • You are welcome. I hope we all do our part, just like Change Toothpaste is doing to make sure the world is in good shape.

  5. This is encouraging. I am saddened by how much we as a global society we are not paying attention to the damage we are doing to our planet. Thank God for companies like this one who is looking to do better for our planet.

    • I agree Alan. We only have one planet. We need to do better.

  6. Thank you Art for bringing awareness to organizations like Change that are looking to do better for our environment. Like you said it is taking small steps to make a bigger change. If we all do our part we can make a difference.

    • My pleasure Lisa. Change Toothpaste is passionate about taking care of our planet.

  7. We need to lead by example for our kids and make sure we don’t say things out of anger. Our society is wrapped up in who has the last word. If we think before we act this world will be a better place.

    • Well said Trey.

  8. Before I had kids I was very selfish. I could care less about being more green. Since I became a dad I had an awakening that it is not all about me. It is sad that it took me being a dad to realize that, but I wanted to share my story. The guests on your podcast share similar views about being a selfish. That is one reason I enjoy your podcast since it shows that parents have gone through things that I have experienced.

    • Thank you for your honesty Mike. I think we have all been there. Having kids makes you realize that the sun doesn’t revolve around you.

  9. Couldn’t agree with this more Art. Our kids watch us all the time. We are their compass on how they should act in this world. We need to set the best example we can to make sure they are good kids. Thanks for writing this Art. Glad to see more dads think this way.

    • Thanks Jamal. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts too! I agree 100% with you too!

    • That is true Barry. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  10. Anger is a tough emotion to control. In the heat of the moment things might be said that we regret. You just hope you can explain yourself to the person you hurt and show you are truly sorry.

    • Forgiveness is a gift, Rich. I agree with you.


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