Teaching Your Kids And Yourself To Reflect On The Year That Was

Recently I was working on a project that made me look at my photos on my phone from this year. It might sound odd, but scrolling through my phone was a great way for me to reflect on the year that was. I was caught up in the rush that comes along with the holidays and wrapping up the year. I was falling short on some of my goals for the end of the year. Therefore, I was in a funk. I wasn’t able to see all of the blessings around me. I was so focused on my recent failures that I didn’t see the whole picture. Taking time to reflect helped me realize that this year was a year to celebrate. 

Why It Is Important To Reflect On The Year That Was 

We live in a world that seems to get updated every minute. In addition, we are constantly looking for what is next. We don’t take time to breathe. We are always on the go. As I mentioned, I was in a funk. I felt like nothing was going my way in terms of work and my business. Then when I added scrolling on social media, I saw others are dealing with rejection and failures in their own way.

Experiencing all that negativity is not healthy. When you pause and reflect on all of your success and failures shows you the ups and downs that happen in life. When we recenter ourselves by looking at the good, the bad and the ugly, we see that the valley that we are currently in was not always the case. It recharges our spirit. We dust off the dirt from falling down and get ready for the next day. It will help your mind, body and spirit. 

How We Teach Our Kids How To Reflect The Right Way 

Having goals is important. We shouldn’t stay too high or too low. Celebrate the wins, but move on. Learn from your losses and move on. If you see your child struggling, take the time to talk to them about it. Share a recent experience from your life. When your kids learn that other people go through tough times and then succeed, it helps with their confidence. Make sure you practice what you preach as well. Your kids are always watching how you handle things. Making sure that you take the time to reflect on the positives when you are in a slump. The end of the year is a perfect time to reflect on the year that was and helps you learn from both the wins and losses. 

2 thoughts on “Teaching Your Kids And Yourself To Reflect On The Year That Was”

    • Thank you sir. I agree. Have a great 2024.


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