These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 141 – These Dads Show How Cool It Is Being A Dad 

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I wanted to highlight a few dads that are showing us how cool it is to be a dad. The fathers really enjoy their role as a father and want to share their parenting journey. If there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their name and info in the comment section below. 

Todd Allen Smith – That Cool Dad Traveling With His Family 

Todd travels the world with his son and husband. In addition he shares these experiences over at his website. He has been to all 50 states, the Caribbean, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Italy, and France. In addition they spent five months living in Germany. He is going to write a book about traveling around Europe with his son. Since Covid-19 he and his son have been hiking the wilds of the Ozarks in Missouri and the Shawnee Hills of Southern Illinois. Todd and his family are always on the move. 

Alex Walsh – Dadda-Cool 

By day, Alex is a mild mannered accountant. By night he is asleep until the kids wake him up anyway. Alex’s super powers include walking over LEGOs barefoot and feeling NO pain! In addition, he works full time to bring home the bacon, some of which they eat, most of which they exchange in a barter system for money so they can pay the bills. Over at this site you can see the adventures he and his family experience. 

Tom Karlya – Diabetes Dad

Tom Karlya has been active in diabetes causes since his daughter, Kaitlyn, was diagnosed with type one diabetes (T1D). In addition his son, Rob was also diagnosed in March of 2009 at the age of thirteen. Tom’s world is mostly about diabetes, but that is his choice. He made that choice when Kaitlyn was diagnosed.  She looked up at him in the hospital after looking at all of the tubes and wires attached and said but two words that changed his life. Those two words were:  “Daddy, Fix!” That is his mantra of “Just Don’t Do Nothing” is well known in the diabetes community.  To learn more about his story, check out his website. 

Matt Robinson – Real Food by Dad

Food and family are the big stories on Real Food by Dad. This is where Matt shares a behind-the-scenes view of fatherhodd. He shows you what it’s really like to be raising three hungry boys, one meal at a time. Come what may (school, sports, homework), dinner together is an everyday goal. Matt keeps it easy, simple enough to please the picky eaters at the table, hearty, and just plain delicious—a food philosophy he applies to every meal of the day, every snack, every dessert. Lean more at his site. 

3 thoughts on “These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 141 – These Dads Show How Cool It Is Being A Dad ”

    • My pleasure Matt. Keep up the great work.


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