These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 154 – Dads Simply Enjoying Fatherhood 

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I wanted to share with you some dads who are simply enjoying fatherhood. These dads are looking to share their fatherhood journey and share what they have learned along the way. If there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their name and info in the comment section below. 

Patrick – Daddy Simply 

Daddy Simply is the go-to dad blog for fathers seeking a balanced approach to wellness and personal growth. In addition Patrick shares the joy of fatherhood. With a touch of wit and a sprinkle of humor, Daddy Simply is here to support fathers. No matter where you are, this site looks to connect dads all around the world on their incredible journey of raising their children. Patrick also is an author with books available on Amazon. He is proud of what he has achieved so far. Check out his site here. 

Albert Kao – The Family Man HQ 

Albert Kao is currently a stay at home dad and he previously worked as a product manager. Albert’s Instagram is full of tools and aids to help you on your fatherhood journey. If you are looking for ways to get organized and keep up with family life, you need to follow him on Instagram. He creates family organization tools. In addition they are easy to use and you and your family will benefit from using them. Make sure you follow him on Instagram. 

Kevin Kunkel – DadHard

Kevin Kunkel believes people are good. He hopes his books help unlock that goodness. He lives in Minnesota with his wife and two boys, which means he can never see a movie featuring snow without commenting that “Hollywood doesn’t understand real cold.” Kevin is a former stand-up comedian and writes humor for adults on his parenting blog DadHard “the hardest dad blog on the planet.” Check out his book here. 

Tom Piccirilli – Dad Vibes 

In 2020 Tom created The Dad Vibes. He is part of a community of over 160,000 parents and caregivers. Tom thrives on sharing his parenting journey and doing his best to help others along the way. In addition, Tom encourages parents to make decisions that work for them and their families. Therefore, he looks to empower parents with the knowledge to help them make those decisions. To learn more check out his website. 

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