These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 205 – Dads Who Are Awesome Caddies And Fathers  

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I am putting the spotlight on dads who support their children in the golf world. These caddies are helping out their kids on the course and off as well. In addition, if there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their name and info in the comment section below. 

Dougie MacIntyre – One Of The Caddies In The Clutch 

Earlier this year Robert MacIntyre won his first PGA Tour event with father, Dougie as caddie. Dougie taught Robert about the game of golf and it was only fitting to see Robert win with his dad by his side. Robert was homesick while living in Orlando, Florida. He grew up in Oban, Scotland. He felt like his golf career was panning out the way he wanted because he wasn’t as successful as he wanted to be. After letting go of his latest caddie, he reached out to his dad and he won the event. Love to hear these kind of stories. 

Matt Fennessy – Dad, Teacher, Caddy 

I have known Matt Fennessy for years. He is a great father and has a passion for golf. His daughter, Carys is an accomplished golfer. Carys Fennessy started playing golf when she was just four years old. Her dad was always there in her corner making sure she knew she could always count on him. It is so cool to see Carys succeed in golf and that Matt is her caddy. 

Mike Thomas – Caring Caddy 

Mike Thomas know how his son plays and thinks. In an interview with Golf Digest, Mike shared his parenting style. Mike’s parenting and teaching philosophy go hand in hand. He tells Golf Digest, “Justin is hard enough on himself; be doesn’t need more of that from me.” Even with Mike dealing with a herniated disk and bad hip, he is always there for Justin when they are on the golf course. One golf tip you get is hit the ball with love, not force. It seems Mike follows that tip when it comes to parenting. 

Shawn Spieth – Taking Flight With Jordan 

When Jordan Spieth’s caddy needed to attend to a family matter during a tournament, his dad, Shawn stepped in that role. Just like Mike Thomas, Shawn was giving a few words of wisdom to Jordan during that tournament. Jordan told, “I know he’s enjoying it and it’s a tough walk. The other time he caddied for me was Mexico City, which was 8,000 feet, so I’m not exactly picking the easiest ones for him.” Just another example of when great dads go the extra mile for their kids. 

3 thoughts on “These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 205 – Dads Who Are Awesome Caddies And Fathers  ”

  1. Love this Art 💚 he is a pretty incredible guy! Cheers to all the Dads doing it right and all the awesome girl Dads 😀


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