These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 37 – Australian Dad Bloggers

This week’s for the Dads Doing It Right series I wanted to focus on some dad writers and bloggers who are Australian dad bloggers. You definitely want to check out their work and if you like what you are reading their parenting journey make sure you follow them on social media. If there are any other Australian dad parenting sites that you think we should check out leave their site in the comment section below. 

Justin Bechtold – The 40 Yr Old Dad

Justin is a comedian, screenwriter and stay at home dad to two kids and a husband to Mumma. He and his wife tried having kids for over ten years. After nine failed attempts at IVF and miscarriages and they found at the age of 40, they were blessed with their first child. Then two years later they were blessed again. For Justin and his wife, it is nothing short of an absolute ‘miracle’. His captures his comedic adventures in fatherhood at the ripe old age of 40. Check out his site at 

Mike – YDad 

Mike is a husband and proud dad of two. Just before the birth of his second son, he decided to start sharing his parenting journey. Shortly after, he changed the focus of his then music blog and renamed it YDad. It is writing through the lens of a Gen Y dad who himself is “growing up”. He has contributed a variety of articles to Nickelodeon’s Nick Jr Parents website, on topics around the intersection of culture, technology, music and toys from a dad’s point of view. Mike is a self-proclaimed geek. He is obsessed with family wagons, and he can’t stop consuming coffee and chocolate. Check out his stuff over at 

Fergus Donaldson, Daniel Lewis & Phil Van Bruchem – The Dad Website 

It just started out as just three dads with six kids between them. It became The Dad Website. Now it is a much bigger and more functional family. Together they share more stories about the ups and downs and merry-go-rounds of being a modern, hands-on dad. To them it is not always easy being a dad these days. In addition the rules keep changing as does the role. The one constant seems to be that there’s always something to worry about and as a result, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  For them sharing their stories, advice, dad-jokes and heart talks, they can inspire each other to become better dads and to raise great kids. Being a dad is a wonderful thing, but sometimes that gets forgotten and sometimes it takes someone else’s experiences to remind us just how wonderful it can be. Read their stories over at 

Joshua – The Australian Dad

Joshua is a dad to three kids. Formerly an IT professional, now he is a stay at home dad. His favorite activity is taking the kids to Melbourne for winter weekend. On this site, he shares everything related to his experiences of parenting. From kid friendly cafes here in Melbourne to traveling to other states and internationally with his kids, if they enjoy it, he will write about it. In addition, he shares all the gadgets and necessary equipment they use in the hopes it will make your life easier too. For Joshua being a parent isn’t always easy, but it can be a lot of fun. Read his thoughts on fatherhood at 

3 thoughts on “These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 37 – Australian Dad Bloggers”

  1. Always thrilled to be acknowledged among my peers for doing what I love best, loving my kids. It’s the most rewarding job in the world. Appreciate the shout out from across the globe. Thank you so much and big love to all the other families out there.

    • My pleasure Justin. Keep up the great work!


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