These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 48 – Dads Raising Their Kids With Great Values

This week’s for the Dads Doing It Right series I wanted to put the spotlight on dads who are looking to instill great values into their kids. From sharing on all aspects about parenting these dads are looking to pass on their knowledge to others. If there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their site in the comment section below. 

Mike – Daddy Realness 

Mike is a blogger and content creator from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He is a married father of three. Daddy Realness is a website about Mike’s experiences as a parent. Some of the stories showcase things that are sometimes good and sometimes bad. Yet his stories are always real and always entertaining. For more on Mike check out the Daddy Realness website. 

Clinton Kelly – Fatherhood Farms 

Clinton created Fatherhood Farms as a healing place where men can come with their families to seek out their inner most struggles so that they may strengthen those bonds. Kelly feels that we have to identify past traumas and explore them openly to start to move towards a solution. He believes that men need to loosen (not let go) our desperate grip on the archaic ideals past generations.

Things that instilled in us revolving around masculinity and start to incorporate a state of vulnerability. It’s not “tough” or “brave” to be afraid of ones own feelings so much that you aren’t willing to communicate them at all and let them manifest outwardly in a negative way. That’s inconsiderate at best. Having the wherewithal to seek healing so that you can be a better father, partner, role model is not only extremely admirable but some REAL man s#*t. Clinton feels that vulnerability does not compromise masculinity. Read his thoughts at his website,

The Dad – Banking On Dad – Raising Great Values 

Banking on Dad considers himself a stressed-out father to four great kids. He feels like he has some hard-earned wisdom and advice to share with you. All of his stories are from his long journey to this point as a parent.  He loves being a dad and whenever something might happen to his kids he wants them to think that “I’m Banking on Dad.” Read his stories 

Josh Rodriguez – Texas Dad 

Josh Rodriguez and his wife, Samantha and have two boys and one daughter. For some time now he has had a vision of creating a blog that could help other dads. He started his site to showcase what it is like to be a dad in today’s society. It can be difficult and frustrating. He wants his children to know that he will be there for them not matter what happens. He is trying to live up to his kids expectations and pretend to be unbreakable and all knowing. Read his fatherhood journey at his website.

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