Activities Companies Should Adopt That You Used To Do At School 

As kids around the country are now back in school I was thinking about some of things I miss from my school days. I am guessing other people feel the same way about certain activities they loved doing at school. What if companies adopted all or some of these activities? It might seem counterproductive, but in the long run it could make productivity increase over the years and create happier employees. 

Lunch Time

This might sound like an obvious notion, but be honest with yourself. How many times do you work through lunch or eat while you working at your desk? If you keep on dodging lunchtime, you will burnout at your job and your health can become an issue. In school, we learned about the food pyramid and the importance of eating the right things. If you skip lunch you might just turn to the vending machine and have a candy bar. If your place of business doesn’t have a cafeteria, look to see if you can bring some food trucks to your work. You would instantly become the cool kid on campus for wrangling up some good food for your co-workers. 

School Field Trips 

I loved getting my parents to sign the field trip permission slip. That made the school week go by quicker since one of the days you were out of the building. Just imagine a company renting a few buses to take everyone to the zoo or museum. If you need to be a bit more productive, take the whole team out to a place that will teach your employees something about your industry. Just make sure they are back at a decent time so they can enjoy time at night with their families. 

Library Time 

Back in elementary school, I loved library time. I would reach a biography on Walter Payton. After learning about Sweetness and what motivated him to play football, I would read a book on the solar system and astronauts. I would take my small stack of book and find a bean bag chair. I would plop down and start reading until my teacher would ask us to go back to the classroom. Imagine how cool it would be if a company set 30 minutes aside for you to read the latest book that caught your fancy. 


Gym class was everything back in elementary and middle school. From playing dodgeball to flag football to relay races, gym was a time where you could get out all of your nervous energy. You and your friends would play a game of basketball and have bragging rights for that day until the next day when you played another round. I think many people would enjoy taking time out of their busy day to get in some exercise. There would be no more excuses about getting to the gym. That time would be built in at work. It would be a nice break from sitting at a desk all day. 

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