Chris Swonger Talks Fatherhood, Alcohol Responsibility Month & More

Chris Swonger, who is the President & CEO of talks to me about how parents can start the conversation with their kids about underage drinking. He shares with me the great work he and his team are doing with the Ask, Listen and Learn program. Chris also talks with me about his fatherhood journey and the values he looks to instill into his kids as they grow up. Then we finish the interview with the Fatherhood Quick Five.

About Chris Swonger

Chris Swonger serves as the President & CEO of was founded in 1991 and has received more than $250 million dollars. The donations are voluntarily from the nation’s leading distillers to fight drunk driving and underage drinking. It helps promote responsible decisions about beverage alcohol. Chris has extensive experience guiding corporations to lead in business while playing a positive role in communities through proactive engagement.

A native Texan, Chris received his bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University and lives in McLean, Virginia, with his wife Amy and their two sons Holden and Beckett Boone.

About The Art of Fatherhood Podcast 

The Art of Fatherhood Podcast follows the journey of fatherhood. Your host, Art Eddy talks with dads from all around the world where they share their thoughts on fatherhood. Please leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts.

17 thoughts on “Chris Swonger Talks Fatherhood, Alcohol Responsibility Month & More”

  1. I am a fan of your podcast. This episode is just another reason why. You bring on great dads talking about things that all of us dads feel from time to time. Chris helped with a blueprint on how to talk with our kids about underage drinking. Thank you for talking about this.

    • Thank you Tim. I look to bring on people that will help out parents with their journey.

  2. One of our friends who has older kids was telling me that they had a conversation on the dangers of alcohol for kids. He helped out with what I will say to my daughters, but this podcast is a great help too.

    • That is great to hear Fred.

  3. As a mom I really like to see the father side of parenting. This is a great podcast and it is great to hear dads talk about fatherhood especially on topics like this.

    • Thank you Andrea.

  4. Chris not only shares with us what we need to talk to our kids about, but he shares his experiences with his kids. Really enjoyed this episode.

    • Chris was an awesome guest. I am glad he was able to be on my podcast.

    • Good to hear Dan.

  5. My family and I listened to this after I listened to it myself. We talked about underage drinking and why alcohol is bad for kids. Great podcast.

    • Glad to hear it. Thank you for checking out the podcast.

    • Thank you.

    • I agree.


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