Collector of The Week – A Fantastic Marvel, Transformer & Gundam Collection

A new week means a new post for Collector of the Week here at The Art of Fatherhood. As a fellow geek and collector of all things Pop Culture I wanted to showcase some cool collections that dads share in our community. We love to see this passion in what people collect. In addition, we talk about the latest movies, sports memorabilia, a Marvel, Transformer & Gundam collection and video games that we are enjoying at the moment.

This Week’s Collector – Marvel, Transformer & Gundam Collection

This week’s collector is from Dennis J. Dennis shares his Marvel, Transformer & Gundam collection. 

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a huge comic book, GI Joe and Transformers fan. As I got into my teens, I discovered anime and things just took off from there. It wasn’t until I became an adult however, that my collecting habits really blossomed. While I have everything from Ninja Turtles, Dragon Ball, One Piece & GI Joe, the highlights of my collection are namely my Gunpla and Marvel Legends / SH Figuarts. I think I started seriously collecting around 2017. This was about a year before Marvel Studios released “Infinity War” in theaters. The hype was ridiculous and things only escalated with the release of “End Game.”a year later. 

My collection is meant to reflect the infamous ‘portal’ scene. And as a graphic designer, I decided to remake the background scenery and tinker with voice control options / light settings to make it stand out. Along with that are all comic trade backs and Gunpla collection featuring my favorite Gundam series – Gundam Wing. I get alot of joy out of building the kits and applying all of the decals myself. Why do I collect? Well, it makes me feel good. Aside from getting things I might’ve missed out on as a kid, I get a genuine joy finding things I’m missing, positioning them amongst the rest of the collection and figuring out ways to display them. And, having things I like around helps fuel my creativity as an artist!

Thanks for sharing your collection, Dennis. I really enjoyed your story and collection. 

Marvel Legends

Whatcha Got? 

It can be comic books, bottle caps, records, helmets or whatever you are into! I want to see what your passion is and why you started up that collection. For me, I believe that in each collection lies a better story. I want to share your story! Feel free to reach out to me and share your collection.  In addition, if you enjoyed this post check out another Collector of the Week article.

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