Fictional Families That Define What It Means To Be Great Family

Please note: I teamed up with HBO Max for this article, but my thoughts are my own. 

We all have heard the expression that life imitates art and vice versa. When I am watching a movie with my wife and daughters and a fantastic family is depicted in that movie I think about what makes them special. Some of those qualities are unconditional love, communication, sacrifice, kindness, respect and honesty. Now you might say that of course these families are depicted that way because it is a movie. That is true, but the writer behind that movie or TV show may have been inspired by his or her own experience being part of a family. Here are fictional families that define what it means to be an outstanding family. Feel free to share examples in the comment section below. 

The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air 

One of my favorite shows growing up was The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Will Smith and the rest of the cast made us laugh, cry and enjoy all of the adventures Will and the Banks Family shared with us. The Banks was a family built on love and trust. Philip and Vivian Banks were parents that allowed their kids and nephew to experience life, but also be accountable for their mistakes. The Banks showed us how we can always be there for our family through the good times and bad times.


One of the reasons I love Shazam! is the family that is represented in the movie. Rosa and Victor Vásquez are the foster parents of the main character Billy Batson. The movie follows Billy as a troubled orphan searching for his biological mother. While looking for his mother, Billy can’t see the family that is right in front of his face. Time after time Billy rejects Rosa and Victor as his foster parents and his foster siblings, but that family doesn’t give up on him. Billy starts to see how much this family cares for him. He finally understands the amount of love that these people have for him and that they are in his corner. Whether you have superpowers or not, having a family that cares for you can make you feel like you can take on the world. 

The LEGO Batman Movie 

We all know that Bruce Wayne has had a tough childhood. After his parents were killed, his butler, Alfred Pennyworth took on many roles including the role of a father. Whether Bruce is fighting his own demons or the villains of Gotham as Batman, Bruce has no time for family or attachments. At least that is what he projects on the outside. The Lego Batman Movie is similar to Shazam! The main character won’t let his guard down and let people into his life. Bruce Wayne finally realizes that a family won’t weaken you, but it will make you stronger. Alfred, Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon help Bruce understand the importance of what it means to be a family. 

Harry Potter – The Weasley Family

The Weasleys are a family that leads by compassion and inclusion. Arthur and Molly Weasley are not only kind to Harry Potter, but there is a space for everyone at the table. They might not have the best clothes or wands, but they are all about kindness. The Weasley Family shares meals together and partake in fun conversations. They remind me of my family where just like their house, our house was where my friends would always be over and there would be some type of homemade meal at the ready. 

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29 thoughts on “Fictional Families That Define What It Means To Be Great Family”

    • Great families there Paul!

  1. As someone who was adopted into a loving family I have to say that I am please to see you have the Vásquez family in this list. Lot of people forget about all types of families and you did well by adding at forms of families.

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts Jim. Means a lot to me.

    • Thank you Brian for sharing your thoughts. I am trying to help change that narrative here!

    • Thank you Trevor for checking out the interview. Really enjoyed talking with Anthony.

    • The Goldbergs are a funny family. That is great Matt.

    • Nice John. Liked that show back in the day.

  2. The Matthew’s (Boy Meets World)
    The Braverman’s (Parenthood)
    Great TV families and two of the best TV show series I’ve ever watched.

    • Great families there! Thanks for sharing.

    • Good call Amanda.

  3. Great nod to the Weasleys, Art. Big Harry Potter fan here. My kids and I are watching the movies on HBO Max right now. I would say you can make an argument that the McCallisters are a good family because their 8 year old, Kevin was able to stop a two criminals. It is a stretch. I know.

    • Haha…I can see your logic.

    • Such a good movie.

  4. Not only does the LEGO Batman movie make my family and I laugh, but it has great messages of family in it. Glad to see it made the list.

    • Truth! Thanks for sharing your thoughts man.

    • I agree Charlie. Thanks man.

    • I agree Jeremy. It was definitely fun working on this article thinking about all the families we grew up with. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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