Five Questions New Dads Need To Ask Their Partner 

Becoming a dad is one of the best feelings in the world. There are no words to describe the all the emotions you feel as you hold your child for the first time. Before your child comes into this world, I would highly recommend you talk with your spouse. In these discussions both of you should be honest and share any questions you have for each other. Not only do you want to be the best dad you can be, but you still want to be the best husband you can be. Below are five questions you should ask your spouse around the birth of your child. 

Five Questions You Need To Ask Your Spouse 

What Is The Night Feeding Routine? 

Your baby will be waking up BOTH of you in the middle of the night. It could be that they are hungry or that they messed up their diaper. Your spouse will really appreciate you getting up with her to check on the baby. Of course you won’t be able to breastfeed your child, but you can change your baby’s diaper. You can feed them with a bottle of milk. My wife and I had a routine where I would change our daughter’s diapers in the middle of the night and my wife would nurse them. It became a routine and my wife told me that she was so grateful that I would help her at night. She felt like we were a team.  

How Should We Set Up The Baby’s Room? 

As your wife gets to her third trimester you might hear the term nesting. Nesting is something that women do to get ready for the baby to arrive. They start to clean, organize parts of your house and even develop birth plans for when she goes into labor. Have some say in that matter. Talk about how you guys want to set up your baby’s room. In addition make sure you are the one who is moving furniture and building the crib since your wife needs her rest. 

Who Is Doing What? 

No matter what your game plan was when it was just you two, you will need to switch things up. One can make dinner while the other does laundry. Take over the night time bathing routines. That is a great way to bond with your baby. Play to your strengths. If you love cooking and she loves your meals, keep on making dinner. There is not a need to go 50-50 on the chore chart, but make sure it is not 90-10. That will not be a good for anyone. 

How Can I Help? 

Even if she says, I am good, don’t accept that answer. Tell her that you want to help and do anything she asks. One of the biggest things you can do is let her have time to herself when she is ready for that time. That is worth its weight in gold. Everyone needs time by themselves to recharge their batteries. Ask her what she really dislikes in terms of daily chores or errands and take them off her plate. 

Do You Want To Go Out? 

Take her out on a date. If you have family around that you feel comfortable with leaving your baby with, ask them to help out. It could be a nice dinner or just picking up coffee at a place she enjoys. Make her feel special and that you will always make time for her. Don’t forget the love you have for each other. Nurturing that love is a great way to show your child what love is all about as they grow up. 

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