How To Set Up Speed Limits When It Comes To Your Kids And The Internet 

Moderation. It sounds easy, but when something becomes addicting it is hard to use self-restraint. One of the biggest addictions that is out there is our connection to our smartphones and tablets. Both adults and kids can fall into the trap of becoming fixated on our devices. As parents we need to teach our kids how to create a healthy relationship with technology. OurPact is the #1 Parental Control and Family Locator app on the market and can help create boundaries when it comes to the internet and smart devices. It is almost as if when you work with OurPact you can set your own internet “speed limits” for your kids. 

OurPact Can Help Set Speed Limits 

The OurPact cross-platform app not only puts you in control of how much time your kids can spend online, but just as importantly, what type of content and apps they can utilize. From text messages and app blocking to website filtering and locator abilities, you now have a wide-range of online management supervisory tools to keep your children safe from intrusive and harmful content. 

I spoke with Dr. Michael Meisinger from OurPact about the benefits families will have using OurPact. One of my favorite takeaways from that conversation is that OurPact will help your kids learn how to budget their time on a device. They will learn positive digital habits that they can use later in life when they are out on their own. If they have two hours a day on their device, they will learn how to budget their time effectively. Even parents struggle with being addicted to their devices. Our kids learn from our example…by our words AND actions. If they see us constantly checking our phone, they too think that is okay. We need to make sure we are following the internet speed limits as well. 

Where Are You? 

In addition to helping you and your family with how much time you spend online, OurPact recently updated their family locator feature. This update offers smaller geofences, a location history, as well as a timeline of location activity. It all adds up to make this the most dynamic and insightful version of this app to date. By adding live GPS tracking to this leading cross-platform app, parents are now able to get real time updates to the precise location of their family members. Parents can also create smaller, even more accurate geofences around any locations of interest such as schools, friends’ houses, and the family home so they know precisely when their kids arrive and leave those locations by getting an automatic notification sent to the parent’s device from OurPact.  

Another improvement is the location history tool which allows parents to see a 30-day historical breadcrumb trail of the exact routes and stops of each child’s device. So, it eliminates the guesswork of relying on communicating with kids and hoping that they’re being honest about where they’ve been. Now parents will truly know where their children have been before they even get home.

Give Yourself the Gift of Internet Safety This Holiday Season 

If you are getting your child a smartphone or tablet this holiday, make sure you give the gift of OurPact to you and your family. You can even try the OurPact app free for 14 days. After that you can use a plan that is right for you and your family. Another talking point from Dr. Meisinger that stuck with me is that parents are the number one defense when it comes to your kid and the internet. We need to talk to our kids about all the dangers as well as the positive things that come from our devices. 

As parents we should speak openly with their kids and educate them about the risks of social media and discuss the pros and cons of the internet. We need to make sure they get outside and play or go for a walk. Go on a hike with your family. Enjoy spending quality time together where the balance of using devices and being free of them is natural. We all need help and encouragement when it comes to this topic. OurPact is the right partner to help families create a healthy relationship with tech. To learn more about OurPact and to start your trial today, check out their site at

Please note: I am working with OurPact on a sponsored campaign. I am receiving payment for my work, but my thoughts are my own.  

24 thoughts on “How To Set Up Speed Limits When It Comes To Your Kids And The Internet ”

  1. I agree with you completely Art. Both parents and kids need to set up limits on their devices. My kids will call me out if I am checking emails or social media. This is a great reminder.

    • Thanks Trey. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

    • That is great Amy. Your family will appreciate how OurPact will protect your grandson.

  2. The family locator and breadcrumb feature is a huge bonus to me. You want to have your kids learn to be on their own, but still know where they are.

    • Well said Stacy.

  3. That family locater sounds like a lifesaver. My kids sometimes don’t text back right away and you want to make sure they are safe. Looks like we are getting Ourpact for some peace of mind.

    • I agree with you Tim. You want to know your kids are safe and Our Pact is a great way to help to keep them safe.

  4. It all comes down to your first word in your article, moderation. We all are addicted to our phones and if we can teach our kids not to be, we will make their life so much better.

  5. Some parents and I were talking about the dangers kids are facing and how their devices are not helping their self-esteem. I will share this with them. Glad to see companies like Our Pact are looking our for families.

    • OurPact really cares about all families. Their app is a great on so many levels. I know your friends will appreciate you sharing this with them.

    • Thanks Scott for checking out the podcast. If you have kids with tablets or smartphones make sure you get OurPact.

  6. We are on the fence about getting our middle schooler a smart phone. We are nervous to go ahead and get him one, but to hear about our pact is around helps my wife and I feel more comfortable if we do get him one.

    • Thank you for sharing Josh. I agree it can be a scary time with social media, the internet and all the other things that comes with a phone, but OurPact can help you in the new stage for your family.

  7. My kids want a smartphone because all their friends have one. We told them that they will get a phone in a few years. When they get them we will for sure get OurPact.

    • Sounds like a solid plan Thomas.

  8. We have heard some horror stories about what kids can do on their phones. To be fair we didn’t have that issue when we were kids. Glad that companies like our pact exist.

    • I agree Carrie. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  9. This is one of the reasons I like your podcast and blog. You talk about things that help families. Keeping your kids safe while online is super important in our family. I will check out this app.

    • That means a lot Davis. Thanks.

  10. Just saw this on your Fatherhood Friday post. Thanks for the heads up on this. We just got our daughter and son a smartphone for Christmas. Going to be downloading the Ourpact app!

    • Very cool man. OurPact is legit. Merry Christmas.


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