Let Them Have Their Games And Play Them Too 

When I was a kid, my screen time consisted of playing video games on the Sega Genesis on a 20 inch color TV. There were no ads. I didn’t play with people online. In addition, there were no screen limits put on the gaming console by my parents. I was not playing video games all … Read more

How To Set Up Speed Limits When It Comes To Your Kids And The Internet 

Moderation. It sounds easy, but when something becomes addicting it is hard to use self-restraint. One of the biggest addictions that is out there is our connection to our smartphones and tablets. Both adults and kids can fall into the trap of becoming fixated on our devices. As parents we need to teach our kids … Read more

Teaching Your Kids to Be in The Moment 

As parents we have all told ourselves many times to put the phone down. We are connected to our jobs, friends, and family 24/7 through our phones. The ease of technology is a blessing and a curse. If we become addicted to our phones, our kids will follow our lead. We don’t want our kids … Read more