One Of The Greatest Compliments A Parent Can Receive 

Last month my wife and I received one of the greatest compliments parents could experience.  Even better than the compliment was the person who said it. While my family and I were giving thanks for our anniversary breakfast that our daughters prepared for us on our actual anniversary, my oldest daughter said, “I hope that I have a marriage that my parents have.” That compliment made me feel so happy. For me, what she said had so many layers to it and my wife and I were smiling when she shared her thoughts with us. 

Compliments That Mean The Most 

As a father I want to make sure that I model characteristics that are positive. In addition I want to show my daughters what it takes to make a marriage work. My wife and I are aware that our kids will look at the relationship that we have. It will be their first exposure of what makes up a marriage. We don’t preach to our kids everyday about it, but it is in our actions that they can witness day to day in our house. They will see one of us do more one day and then on another day the other person will go the extra distance. For my wife and I, we look to present a marriage that is based on love, communication, care and honesty. So when my oldest gave us that compliment it meant the world to me since she see us every day. She sees our marriage first hand and knows that it is real. 

Be Real. Be Honest 

I am very fortunate to have a partner like my wife who loves me. She understands me. In that same way, I love her and understand her. Just like any relationship there will be ups and downs, yet because of the love and respect we have for each other there are more ups even when times are tough. This is not an article to boast, but to highlight the fact that as a parent if you want your kids to be happy with their partner if they so choose to be in a relationship, you need to be cognizant of the fact that your kids will be watching you and your spouse every day. If your kids see a healthy and happy relationship in their parents they will know that they are worthy of that same type of love and happiness. Be that example of what a healthy relationship looks like. Your kids will benefit from that example. 

2 thoughts on “One Of The Greatest Compliments A Parent Can Receive ”

    • Well said. We are trying to be the best role models for them.


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