Dad Makes Energy Drinks With A Twist 

Matt Williams was looking over his shopping list before he left his home. As he was looking over the items, he saw that his kids requested some energy drinks. Some influencer has a new energy drink line and it is all the rage with the tweens and teens. Before he went to question his kids’ … Read more

Teaching Your Kids To Get The Whole Story 

When I was a kid I remember my parents and teachers would say don’t judge a book by its cover. It was a great reminder to not judge something too quickly. That adage still holds up today with my kids, but my wife and I need to take those words of wisdom a bit further. … Read more

Haesue Jo Talks BetterHelp, Finding Self Care And Being A Good Example For Your Kids 

Haesue Jo sits down with me to chat about how people can find help that they need through a professional therapist. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist, as well as the clinical support lead for We talk about the benefits that comes from working with a therapist. In addition we discuss how … Read more