These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 41 – Dads Raising Awareness On Issues

This week’s for the Dads Doing It Right series I wanted to put the focus on some dads who are looking to share their life story with us. They raise awareness on issues that dads should be aware of as they are raising their kids. Make sure you check out their work. Lastly, if there are any … Read more

These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 39 – Dads Leading By Example

This week’s for the Dads Doing It Right series I wanted to focus on some dads who are leading by example. These fathers are teaching their kids how to pay it forward and to follow their dreams. From making someone laugh and spreading joy to those who need it you will enjoy these stories. Make sure you … Read more

How Much Time Is Left On Your Parenting Timer?

One recurring theme that my guests on The Art of Fatherhood podcast tell me is that time with your kids goes by so fast. Yes, it might sound cliché, but it is true. When you first become a parent you are flooded with so many emotions and thoughts. In this instance time slows down. When … Read more

These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 38 – Empowering Fatherhood

This week’s for the Dads Doing It Right series I wanted to focus on some dad writers and bloggers who are empowering fathers to be the best they can be for their family. You definitely want to check out their work and if you like what you are reading their parenting journey make sure you follow them … Read more

How Miles Morales Teaches Kids It Is Okay To Find Your Own Path

Miles Morales : “When will I know I’m ready?” Peter B. Parker : “You won’t. It’s a leap of faith. That’s all it is, Miles. A leap of faith.” Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is one of my favorite movies. In the film we are introduced to Brooklyn teen Miles Morales and the limitless possibilities of the Spider-Verse, where more than one … Read more