These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 189 – Love From Dad, Grieving Dads Helping Others

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I am putting the spotlight dads who are sharing their grief in a loss of a child. Dads, like Matt McConnell with his site, Love From Dad looks to help others who have lost a child. If you have lost a child, my heart goes out to you and your family. Make sure you check out these sites if you are looking to find other dads who might be able to help you. In addition, if there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their name and info in the comment section below. 

Matt McConnell – Love From Dad 

Love From Dad is designed to be the website that Matt looked for as a dad. Unfortunately,  Matt could never find a website like this in the days after his daughter passed away in 2022. Matt was looking for a one stop shop full of resources to assist and help you find your feet in the days, weeks, months and years after the devastating loss of something so close to your heart, your child. Love From Dad’s Unspoken Journeys Blog also gives dads and non-birthing partners a space they have never truly had, but also one that maybe they didn’t know they needed. Check out his site here. 

Matt Dearsley & Liam Preston – Dad Still Standing 

Two dads discussing baby loss, coping with life, and working their way through grief. In the aftermath of losing babies, Liam and Matt found there was no support specifically aimed at dads to help them process their grief, prepare for what was to come next, and help them to support their partners. Therefore, they’ve teamed up to create this podcast for other dads (and families) which shows a bereaved father’s perspective and provides the tools to help them on their journey with grief. Check out their podcast, Dad Still Standing here.

Rob Reider, Chris Piasecki, and Jay Tansey – Sad Dads Club 

Rob Reider, Chris Piasecki, and Jay Tansey are three dads from Maine who, along with their wives, endured heartbreaking stillbirths. Rather than walk a lonely road, the Sad Dads carry each other and an ever-growing group of other loss fathers through the darkest parts of this journey. These incredible Mainers endeavor to bring joy back into their lives. The Sad Dads honors all the children people have lost. They’ve birthed a global community with members from Maine to California and Auckland to Vancouver. Check out their site here. 

Kelly Farley –  Grieving Dads

Kelly Farley, like many men, felt alone after the death of his two children. He lost his daughter Katie in 2004 and son Noah in 2006. Kelly felt like he was the only dad that had ever experienced such a loss. In addition, he was feeling the impacts of the aftermath. He set out to find other dads that have and are walking this path. After communicating with 1000’s of grieving dads, he realized that many men feel isolated and alone in their grief. This realization inspired him to write his book Grieving Dads: To the Brink and Back. In addition, to this book, Kelly maintains a blog at

5 thoughts on “These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 189 – Love From Dad, Grieving Dads Helping Others”

    • Thank you again for the work you are doing.

    • Thank you for the work you are doing to help other families.


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