Dads, Don’t Get Testy With Your Foods 

We are bombarded with low testosterone ads. Whether it is on TV, the radio or a podcast we hear those cheesy dialogues between men in their forties talking about having Low T. I always chuckle at those ads because I feel like those commercials are trying too hard to get the point across about guys losing testosterone. In addition, do you want to take supplements? Once hormone supplements are taken externally, studies show the body stops producing it internally. So that means you will have to take those supplements your whole life. 

The cost can be too high for those supplements, but foods that are in your grocery store is all you need. Thanks to Kat Best from Alta Coaching, she shared with me a few articles she wrote about foods men can eat to raise their testosterone levels. Don’t be scared. These foods are great and most of them are very affordable. 

Low T? Eat Better Foods 

When the talk about eating better comes up, we tend to freak out because we feel that food will either be tasteless or just nasty. We need to change that mindset. In addition, we need to look at our time management skills to make sure we take the time to eat the right foods. That can be done by cooking each day or setting aside a day off where you can prepare meals for the week. Now you are probably thinking what foods are good for boosting testosterone? Chicken, beef and tuna are great foods that help with Low T. These foods enhance your workouts. Low T could be the reason a why men working out are not seeing results or building muscle. Those natural foods help in that area. These foods help when you are looking to have a baby with your partner as well. 

Mad Beets And Other Eggcellent Foods 

Besides chicken, beef and tuna there are other foods that help with your testosterone levels. Eggs, shellfish, nuts and pumpkin seeds. Vegetables like kale, broccoli, beets, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and bok choy help men as well. Those types of vegetables help prevent testosterone from converting into estrogen. Besides eating right, there are other things that you can do to help with Low T. One thing you can do is to make sure you get enough sleep. Just like working out, once you create a nighttime routine that you can adopt, it allows you to make sure you get enough sleep.

Lastly, do things you enjoy. That helps manage your stress levels. Managing stress helps your body with maintaining the right amounts of testosterone. So skip the supplements and just make a game plan and a shopping list to get you going in the right direction. Plus, you can reach out to Kat Best and Andrew Hayes over at Alta Coaching. They have helped out so many people creating a healthier lifestyle. Learn more at their website at 

Please note: I teamed up with Alta Coaching for this post and campaign and was compensated, but my thoughts are my own. 

8 thoughts on “Dads, Don’t Get Testy With Your Foods ”

  1. I used to eat so much junk food in my 30s. I am not a vegan and eating the right foods. Want to know why I changed? My kids. I wanted to keep up with them and I feel so much better and have energy to be there for them.

    • Love to hear it, Brice. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I used to take testosterone pills and they didnt make me feel well. I want to warn people thinking about taking those. Just eat good food, go for a walk and get sleep. Best recipe for success.

    • Glad to hear things are better for you, Paul.

  3. My dad is a doctor and he said the biggest way to feel good and life a healthy life is to eat the right foods. That is even above working out. Read the labels. It really helps.

    • Thanks Nancy for sharing this. Really helps to know what you are eating!

    • Love to hear it!! Thanks for sharing, Victor!!


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