These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 201 – Uplifting Dads, Families And Communities 

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I am showcasing organizations that are uplifting families. These groups are there to make sure dads feel empowered and important. They are helpings fathers and families to be the best they can be and help nurture healthy families. In addition, if there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their name and info in the comment section below. 

Uplifting Fatherhood 

Fathers’ UpLift provides mental health counseling, coaching, advocacy, and resource support to assist fathers with overcoming barriers. Those barriers are racism, emotional, traumatic, and addiction-based barriers. Those barriers prevent them from remaining engaged in their children’s lives. In addition, they uplift fathers and strengthen families nationwide. They do this through service, love, and encouragement. Discover their unique blend of services focused on fatherhood, mental health, racial and social equity. Check them out at their website at 

Dads M.O.V.E.

Dads M.O.V.E. mission is to strengthen the father’s role in raising children with behavioral health needs through education, peer support and advocacy. Additionally, Dads M.O.V.E. seeks to provide every parent/caregiver (especially dads) with the tools, support, and training needed to be fully engaged in the recovery of their children. To learn more about their organization and see how they can help you check them out at 

Community Fathers Inc.

Community Fathers Inc. vision is to create a world where all men realize their value as caretakers of their communities. They do this by providing self-help opportunities and supportive services to fathers, families, and community members. Community Fathers Inc. has evolved into an organization focused on providing resources to the community through a multi-generational approach that includes: Domestic Violence Offender Accountability Program, Fathers Reentry Program, the Male Achievers High School Program, and the Occupations Instead of Incarceration Program. Learn more about Community Fathers Inc at 

Fatherhood Resource Hub 

Healthy father involvement promotes positive child outcomes. Involved fathers spend time with their children, interact positively with them, and provide resources to support their children’s development. Learn about the connection between father involvement and positive outcomes for children and the key predictors of father involvement that organizations can use to ensure their services target key areas to help fathers become and stay involved. Check out all the great information they provide at 

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