These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 213 – Native American Dad Groups Looking To Help Dads & Communities 

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I am putting the spotlight on some Native American dad groups. These organizations are looking to aid dads and families to create strong families. In addition, if there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their name and info in the comment section below. 

Native American Fatherhood & Families Association 

The Native American Fatherhood and Families Association is an Arizona-based nonprofit focusing on nourishing family relationships through its Fatherhood Is Sacred/Motherhood Is Sacred (FIS/MIS), Linking Generations by Strengthening Relationships, and Addressing Family Violence & Abuse programs. Employing culturally sensitive curricula and materials, NAFFA is able to address the specific concerns of the Native American community to reunite families and empower fathers to become family leaders.

Native Dads Network 

Native Dads Networks purpose is to protect and restore the indigenous family structure through culture, education, and inter generational healing. Through comprehensive, well-coordinated, and culturally sensitive services our vision is to address, reduce, and ultimately eliminate the cycle of addiction, domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, incarceration, suicide, poverty, homelessness, and mental illnesses, among other interpersonal harmful behaviors and societal stressors affecting the well-being of our native communities. 

United Indians Of All Tribes

The United Indians Of All Tribes mission is to provide educational, cultural and social services. They do this to reconnect Indigenous people in the Puget Sound region. They look to share stories that promote their heritage by strengthening their sense of belonging and significance as Native people. In addition, they look to be a social service provider, community center, and cultural home for urban Indians.

Denver Indian Center 

The Honoring Fatherhood Program curriculum provides participants with an opportunity to demonstrate self-determination and gain a deeper understanding of relationships. In addition the care and talk about the relevancy of fatherhood, and importance of economic stability within Native cultural context. Honoring Fatherhood Participants are encouraged to explore real-world skills that assist them in their careers, communities, and, most importantly, their families. They explore the following topics and encourage participants to make choices that fit their present day circumstances. Some of those topics are having a deeper understanding of relationships, relevancy as a father and economic stability. 

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