These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 241 – Dads Making Hilarious Comics About Fatherhood 

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I want to highlight dads who are making hilarious comics. These dads are showing the funny side on all things parenting. Make sure you pick up their books and check out their work. In addition, if there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their name and info in the comment section below. 

Dads Making Hilarious Comics About Fatherhood

George Gant – Beware of Toddler

From an early age, George Gant knew he wanted to draw cartoons. He spent his elementary school days drawing in class and his high school days drawing editorial cartoons for his school’s newspaper. In 2020, George became the artist for the Beano comic strip Angel Face Investigates, being one of the few American cartoonists to illustrate for the primarily English magazine. A year later, Beware of Toddler’s first book, ToddlerHood! A Beware of Toddler Collection was successfully funded on Kickstarter and was released in mid-2022, one month before Beware of Toddler joined King Features and Comics Kingdom. George resides in Chicago, Illinois, with his wife and two children. 

Peter Rasmussen – Fatherhood Badly Doodled

As his son started talking and questioning the world around him, Peter Rasmussen began noting all the funny comments down in a tiny notebook. This quickly became three notebooks and suddenly he was faced with the question of what to do with it all. They were fun to read but in the long run would most likely be forgotten and doomed to a dusty life on an abandoned bookshelf. Not happy with this prospect Peter started illustrating the quotes and comments and hasn’t looked back since. Luckily his son is a smorgasbord of hilarious content so he kept on going. This book contains over 100 of the best and most heart-warming comic strips from the first three years of Fatherhood Badly Doodled. 

Yehuda Devir – One of Those Days 

Maya and Yehuda Devir, a married couple are Israeli comic artists. They arec the creators of the popular web comics “One of Those Days.” More than 9 million people worldwide devoutly follow the lives of Maya and Yehuda on social media. They face all the difficulties of life like the rest of us. In 2019, Yehuda and Maya won the “The Most Creative Content Makers” award. It was part of the prestigious international competition “INFLOW GLOBAL Awards” in Istanbul. Winning the award emphasized that. Therefore, beyond talented artists, the two are also masters at creating content and storytelling of one frame. 

Zach Weinersmith – Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal Comics

Zach Weinersmith makes the webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. He illustrated the New York Times bestselling Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration. In addition, his work has been featured in The Economist, The Wall Street Journal and Slate. Plus he has done work in Forbes, Science Friday, Foreign Policy, PBS, and elsewhere. The Weinersmiths live on an old farm in Virginia with their two children.

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