These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 27 – Fathering Together

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I wanted to introduce you to the Fathering Together organization. Fathering Together is an inclusive space seeking stories that focus on the relationships that exist between fathers and their partners and children. Through the exploration of these stories, we strive to find shared experiences and values that will bring about a stronger sense of community and commitment to one another as we raise our children. In conclusion here are some of the dads that make up this group. Above all make sure you support them by checking out their site.

Brian Anderson – Fathering Together Founder 

Brian is the father of 2 spirited daughters that keep him inspired and exhausted. He started Fathering Together as a way to better connect and learn from his fellow dads. During the work day, you can find him working at IFYC as a Student Leadership Manager where he trains undergraduate students to build bridges across lines of religious difference.

Dr. Christopher Lewis – Fathering Together Founder 

Chris is the father of 2 daughters that are now in their tweens and teens. He started Dad of Divas, a blog to share his own personal experiences in being a father in 2007 and in 2018 started the Dads With Daughters Facebook Group to allow dads to connect, learn and grow together. In addition he works in Digital Media on a daily basis, but also has over 20 years of experience in higher education administration.

Dr. Lawrence Chatters 

Dr. Lawrence Chatters currently serves as the Vice President for Student Affairs at Midland University in Fremont, Nebraska. Dr. Chatters holds a Doctorate and a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from The University of Nebraska-Lincoln.. Dr. Chatters is an avid reader, entrepreneur, Rap Artist, and International DJ. He is most proud of his family, which consists of his two daughters aged 15 and 11, and his partner of 15 years, Katie. 

Tee Chaudhry 

Tee Chaudhry is a father of one toddler daughter. A few months after her birth, Tee, his wife, and daughter relocated from the U.S. to Dubai where they currently live. Tee is a strong believer of inter-anything dialogue. He enjoys engaging with those who are polar opposite of him. He believes that is where the potential of growth, understanding, and expanding one’s comfort zone lies. During his free time, Tee explores the diverse food scene of Dubai and is slowly chipping away at his goal of visiting every country.

Thom Walstrum – Treasurer

Thom Walstrum is a father of two one daughter and one son. He welcomes him into the joys, sorrows, beauty, and messiness of childhood on daily basis. He lives with them and his wife in Evanston, IL. Thom is an economist for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. In addition he provides his quantitative and analytical expertise to the board.

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