Trying To Find Gratitude During This Unsettling Time

What are you thankful for?  

That question takes on a different meaning right now. There are different points of view on what is really going on and what people should be doing. There are heartbreaking videos and pictures of people feeling the full weight of the COVID-19 virus. From losing a loved one or losing their job it is hard to focus on anything that is positive. 

Yet we can’t let this virus take everything from us. We need to be strong for our family and friends. How can we do that? I have found that writing down what you are thankful for from time to time helps with keeping a positive mindset. 

Focus On The Positive

A few months ago my wife had the great idea of starting a family gratitude journal. We have the journal in our kitchen. If we had something good happen to us we are encouraged to put our thoughts down in that book. Not only was it good for us to document that moment or feeling, but the rest of our family can read what we were thankful for that day. 

This past weekend we all took time and wrote in that journal. As a father it was nice to see what my daughters were thankful for during these unsettling times. I wrote in there as well. I know that schools are closed right now and it is tough to get through the “work week,” but I have found a silver lining. I have been helping my kids with their virtual class assignments and even running a gym class with them. This is time that I will always remember. 

How We Teach Our Kids About Gratitude

We can tell our kids anything we want, but if we don’t practice what we preach then there is a good chance that they will stop listening to us. During this tough time we should be open and honest with them. Take time to listen to what they are going through. We can tell them that even in the tough times we still have to find the good. This is a good way to teach them about resilience and overcoming the obstacles in life. 

Life is not easy. As we keep heading into this year and things become more uncertain and unsettling try to think about something that you are grateful for and share it with your family. Ask them to do the same. I am not saying to put on blinders to what is going on around the world. I am just asking for you to take a moment and share with your family what you are thankful for that day. 

We can get through this. We need to be there for each other. Sharing gratitude will help us get through the tough road that is ahead of us. 

Stay safe! Stay healthy!

9 thoughts on “Trying To Find Gratitude During This Unsettling Time”

    • Thank you Ryan. I appreciate the kind works. Stay safe to you and yours.

    • Thank you Jason. Hope you and yours are doing well!

    • Thank you sir.


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