When The Anchor Is Drowning 

Please note: I am working with BetterHelp on a sponsored campaign. I am receiving payment for my work, but my thoughts are my own. 

There is that long lived notion that dads are supposed to be the rock of the family. A dad is there to protect his family from everything that could pose a threat to his loved ones. Dads are seen as the anchor and will keep the ship steady no matter the conditions. You may have seen those images or memes about a dad on the surface looking perfectly fine. Yet, on the inside he is drowning from the weight of the world that is crashing down on him. It is something that has been passed down from generation to generation. Whether a dad shares this verbally or a son sees this through his father’s actions. We need to change this perspective. This is where dads need to be an example of not only the stereotypical physical strength, but an example of strength that goes beyond just one aspect. 

Who Helps Out The Anchor 

Caring for your mental health is critical to your overall health and well-being. As fathers we look to set good examples for their children. We tell our kids to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods and get exercise. Have you ever talked to your child about their mental health? In addition, have you thought about your own mental health? For me, growing up there was so much importance put on physical health. My family and I never talked too much about taking care of your mental health. I feel like that goes for my entire generation. 

We need to change that narrative so that we talk about both the physical and mental health side of things. It has been said that poor mental health negatively impacts your physical health and vice versa. So you can be going to the gym every day, but if you are not taking care of your mental health, you are not doing your body any good. How can we show our kids how to properly take care of your mental health? We do that by seeing a therapist if that is something we think we need.

These conversations will not only help ourselves, but it will make taking care of your mental health normalized. That way, if your kids ever feel the need to see a therapist, they know that there is that option since you have done the same thing. This is where BetterHelp can assist you and your family in taking care of your mental health and be seen as just as important to your physical health. 

The Benefits Are Not For Just One Person 

BetterHelp was founded in 2013 to remove the traditional barriers to therapy and make mental health care more accessible to everyone. BetterHelp’s network of more than 30,000 licensed therapists has helped over 5 million people worldwide take ownership of their mental health and work towards their personal goals. They can help you as well. Working with BetterHelp can help you feel like the weight of the world is not all on your shoulders. Whether you feel like you are the anchor in your family or want to be a good role model for your family, talking to someone can take away some of the pressure you feel on a daily basis. 

Once you start feeling better mentally, you can focus on the health of others in your family the right way. You can be the anchor in your family, while still making sure you are taking care of your own needs. Besides being a great role model for your kids and family by showing how you can take care of yourself the right way, you will be able to focus on other aspects of your life and your family’s needs too. You will reap the rewards, but you will keep the conversation of the importance of mental health in your family where they can pass it on to future generations. If you are looking to see how BetterHelp can assist you, please go to their website at www.betterhelp.com. 

12 thoughts on “When The Anchor Is Drowning ”

  1. This is really powerful, Art. Most of the time Dads don’t look to get help. This is a reminder that everyone needs help from time to time.

  2. Men kill themselves 4 times more than women. 40,000 men in the US alone. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in men under 40.

  3. Love this. Been thinking about trying it out when I first heard about it on the Always Sunny podcast, but this recommendation is way more important.


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