These Dads Are Doing It Right – Part 134 – Fatherhood Groups Reaching Out To All Dads

This week for the These Dads Are Doing It Right series I wanted to share with you dads who created fatherhood groups. These dads are looking to include other dads needing to find their tribe. They are doing great work. If there are any other dads that you think we should check out leave their name and info in the comment section below. 

Dad La Soul Fatherhood Groups

Dad La Soul is a revolutionary, non-profit, social enterprise. It is a dad group made up of an ever-evolving, collaborative team of like-minded revolutionaries committed to social change. Dad La Soul is based in Colonnade House. It is a fabulous arts hub in Worthing, West Sussex. Since 2016 their volunteer army of teachers, social workers, performers, journalists, film-makers and expert backstage staff, have been battling the causes of social isolation using a unique mixture of arts, tech, music and play to start conversations that matter. They truly believe our dad and kids playdates and content are not only outstanding fun but have a deep social consciousness running through their seams.

Dad Groups

Dads Groups is shifting outcomes for new families. They are promoting positive parenting. In addition they give dads support when they are looking for inclusion. Dads Group run events that brings new fathers and families together create stronger local communities. Plus, they partnered with some of the best organizations in Australia. These groups look to develop father-friendly initiatives and training materials. All of this looks to help out dads and families. 


Exploring all things dad, the highs and the lows, Dadzclub is building a supportive community. They look to connect with like minded fathers both online and through our weekly in person social meet ups. Dadzclub seeks to bring together father figures and their children through our engaging, creative, and playful weekend groups. In addition they provide a friendly environment where dads can chat with other dads whilst spending quality time with their children.   


Nashdads is a group of Middle Tennessee dads that meet weekly to support one another. Originally formed in 1996, Nashdads has connected fathers from a variety of backgrounds. Although the guys in this group have varying interests, all of them share the desire to be good dads. Within their group you will find other fathers who can relate to the challenges of parenthood. They welcome all dads who wish to participate. Sounds like a great group of dads! 

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