Dad Reaches Out To Apple To Include Dad Approved Emojis

John Howlett wanted to reach his kids in a new way. He knows that his kids favorite mode of communication is by text. They can be in the same room, but texting them things like dinner is ready gets more of a reaction than actually saying those words. It is not just words either. Emojis are important as well. John told me, “I get a bunch of emojis from my kids and it is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics. So I reached out to Apple on some dad approved emojis.” Well done John. You got to appreciate when a dad tries to find a new way to communicate with their kids. Here are some of his mock-ups. What do you think and is there an emoji you would want created to better communicate with your kids? 

Turn Off The Lights Emojis 

This is a dad pet peeve. No one is in the room, but the lights are on. Of course you do the dad thing by asking the question of is anyone in here into the abyss. There will be some eye rolls if your kids hear you. Now you can just use the turn off the lights emoji if this happen again. After awhile your kids would rather turn off the lights instead of being bombarded with that emoji on their phone. 

Do Your Homework 

Your kids just got home from school. They start playing video games or streaming their favorite shows. This is the perfect time to text them with the do your homework emoji. They will think it is a text from one of their friends. Once they see that emoji the TV or iPad is turned off and they will start doing their homework. Mission accomplished dad! Well done. 

Get Off Your Phone 

If might sound idiotic to use a text emoji to get your child off their phone, but again kids respond better with texts. So if you feel they have been glued to their device this emoji is the smart choice. Once they see that one they know you mean business. 

Stop Fighting 

You are working from home. In the next room you hear your kids bickering about something. You are in a meeting and can’t see what the issue is. Now is the perfect time for the stop fighting emoji. You need them to calm down and let them know you can hear them fighting. After your meeting is over you can check on them to see that they were fighting over the last pop tart. 

Clean Your Room 

You walk by your kid’s room and see clothes, toys and books all over the room. To some it could be labeled as a disaster area. This is when you reach out to your kids with just one emoji. They will see the cleaning products and know it is time for them to straighten up their room. You keep on sending that emoji until they start cleaning up their room. They will get the hint. 

7 thoughts on “Dad Reaches Out To Apple To Include Dad Approved Emojis”

    • Haha…thank you!

    • Thank you Tim.

    • Yes! That is a great one man! Love it.


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