James Alexander Talks Fatherhood, TilePix and Creativity

James Alexander sits down with me to talk about his fatherhood journey. He and I talk about some of the main values he looks to pass on to his kids. After that we talk about what his kids have taught him about life and himself. We then start talking about the work he does over at Tracer Imaging. In addition James talks about TilePix and why families will love taking their photos on the phone and computer and showcasing them in their homes. Lastly, we finish the interview with the Fatherhood Quick Five. 

About James Alexander

James Alexander loves building products. He is the Chief Product Officer at Tracer where he runs the TilePix consumer business. In addition to founding three start-ups, James has served as a product management and marketing executive at Adobe, IBM and Apple. He has been awarded 12 patents and holds an MBA from the University of Oxford. James and his wife, Merideth are blessed with three kids, Molly, Hudson and Emily. 

About The Art of Fatherhood Podcast 

The Art of Fatherhood Podcast follows the journey of fatherhood. Your host, Art Eddy talks with dads from all around the world where they share their thoughts on fatherhood. Please leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts.

10 thoughts on “James Alexander Talks Fatherhood, TilePix and Creativity”

  1. I agree with you Art. Listening to your podcast with James I can hear his passion for fatherhood and his work. Looks like he has a great family and work life balance. I really like your podcast Art.

    • Thanks Adam.

    • I appreciate that Michael.

    • That is what I am going for. Thank you.

    • Glad you like the podcast Tyler.

    • Thank you Steve.


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