A Little More Social, A Lot Less Media

When I was a kid, I never knew if I was missing out on something my friends were doing. The only way to find out was by seeing them playing basketball in the neighborhood or spotting a cluster of bikes in someone’s driveway. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) was virtually nonexistent. Sure, you might hear … Read more

Nate Randle Talks Fatherhood, Gabb & More 

Nate Randle is the CEO of Gabb. We talk about his fatherhood journey. In addition, Nate shares fantastic advice that all parents should take to heart. Nate’s number one passion in his life is his family. You will see that from our conversation. After that we talk about why Gabb is keeping kids safe in this … Read more

Don’t Forget To Put The Safety Belt On Your Kid’s First Phone 

Do you remember when you brought your child home from the hospital for the first time? You double checked and tripled checked to make sure your baby was secured safely in the car seat. Maybe you went to your local fire department to make sure you installed the car seat correctly. You probably  drove really … Read more