Have Fun Out There This Summer With Your Family 

Do you remember the last day of school? The anticipation for summer break filled the school for both teachers and students. I miss that feeling. As an adult and a father, I do get that feeling from time to time when my family and I go on a summer vacation. There are so many distractions … Read more

Strum Away The Summer Blues With Music & Arts 

“I’m bored!” Those two words are like nails on a chalkboard to parents when they hear kids utter that phrase during summer vacation. You don’t want them to mindlessly watch TV or be stuck on their devices. So what is a parent to do? Well, thanks to Music & Arts you can engage your child with music lessons and if you act … Read more

Dad Blocks Off Street So The Ice Cream Truck Can’t Ruin Dinner

Thomas Kulp had enough with this ice cream truck! He knew he had to take matters into his own hands. After the two consecutive weeks of that dilapidated ice cream truck coming down the road Thomas was fed up. Taking on the Ice Cream Man.. He didn’t know which was worse. Was it that old-timey, … Read more