Win An Alta Coaching Scholarship To Help Set Goals For The New Year 

The holidays are all wrapped up. All the fun and stress that went into the end of the year is packed away just like all the holiday decorations. I know that you are all tired of all the New Year’s resolutions talk out there. Most of them don’t last until February. We approach them the wrong way. We look at those pesky resolutions like a mountain to climb. In addition, we feel like we need to see improvement right off the bat. We get discouraged when we don’t see any results and then quit them altogether. You need help and encouragement to help you meet your goals. The kind folks over at Alta Coaching are looking to help you set goals this year. 

Alta Helps Set Goals That Are Right For You

The old adage it takes a village to raise a child can be used in all aspects of life. No one can do it alone. So if you are serious about looking to live a healthier life, Alta Coaching is who you need in the corner. They take the right approach to not only starting your fitness journey, but setting you up for success. They build habits for life, but they know you want results now. Here’s what to expect in the first 90 days. 

The first month you will see your energy increased. In addition there will be less pain, reduced cravings and improved digestion. Next, in the second month, you start to feel stronger, leaner and see visible weight loss. In the third month you will start to develop a routine that will help you each month after to complete each goal you set for yourself. 

Here Is Your Chance 

Alta will change your life forever by building healthy fitness and nutrition habits. Everything you need to hit your goals is now in one place. Alta Coaching is founded by Andrew Hayes and Kat Best. You can get personalized nutrition plans based on your goals, preferences, and dietary needs. Alta has an app where you can get real time feedback on your food log and supplemental recommendations. You will get custom exercise plans for gym-goers, those who work out from home, or even for people who hate exercise. In addition you get unlimited access to your coaches via in-app messaging. There are flexible plans based on travel or work. 

Andrew and Kat are kind enough to share one free coaching scholarship to my readers. They will help you stay on track no matter how busy life gets. For more information go to their website, To enter your chance to win a free coaching scholarship that gives you three months of their program for free all you have to do is email me at [email protected]. Good luck and thanks to Andrew and Kat over at Alta for this offer! 

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