An Open Letter To New Dads

So you are going to be a dad! Congrats. You are embarking on a journey that will be filled with so many emotions. I know that you have so many questions. You have so many concerns. Please don’t stress over those questions and concerns. It is a sign that you want to be the best dad you can be. One of the most common emails and comments I get about the Art of Fatherhood podcast is from new dads. They were looking for a resource when it comes to fatherhood. That is one of the reasons why I am doing this podcast. I want to create a space for dads where they can share their fatherhood journey and learn from others. Besides all of the great insight from dads who are guests on my podcast I wanted to share with dads a few tips when their child arrives. 

Helping Out New Dads 

You are going to get so much advice from family and friends when they find out you are going to be a dad. Take it all in stride. Treat those pieces of advice like a buffet. Take what you like and leave the advice you don’t feel like you need. In addition, make sure you reach out to dads who you admire. It will probably be your dad and your father in law. After that, reach out to people you respect. It can be a co-worker, friend or neighbor. Pick their brain and see how they approach fatherhood. 

Remember your partner. Make sure they are taken care of and talk to them. Ask how they are doing and how you can help during the pregnancy. Ask how you can make their daily routine easier. One of the things that new dads will share is that they feel like the mom is creating a bond with their newborn baby. One way you can connect is by talking to your child while they are in the womb. It may sound funny, but it is a great way to bond even before their birth. They will recognize your voice when they hear you while you are holding them. 

You Got The Tools And The Talent 

Some will say bank you sleep. That might work for some, but if you are tired from those sleepless nights in the beginning, I would suggest you nap when your kids nap. Get up in the middle of the night when those late night feedings are needed. Take care of the diaper and then swaddle your baby. It will help your baby sleep better after getting some milk. 

Now here is another valuable piece of advice. Your fatherhood skills will sharpen as you get older, but you need baby gear that is reliable. When you travel you will be packing so much baby gear that your Tetris skills from back in the day will come in handy. All joking aside I remember my wife and I getting burned by not getting the right baby gear. You need to find a company that cares about parenting and families as much as you do. That is where Gladly Family comes into play. 

Products New Parents Will Gladly Want To Have 

Gladly Family feels that families have enough on their plate without overpaying for gear or ending up with less features. Every day they are focused on making life easier for families with high-quality, highly useful baby gear that looks smart, works beautifully, and won’t break the bank. Jen Johnson-Latulippe is the founder of Gladly Family. She took the initiative to create wagons, portable playards, the always needed diaper bag and car seat adapters. All of their products are with a baby’s safety in mind. In addition their products are user friendly. You won’t be sweating or need an engineer degree to use. 

So with all that is on your plate as a new father, you should take the stress out of looking for reliable baby gear. Gladly Family is your one stop shop for all the necessary baby gear you will need for your bundle of joy. Use the code THEARTOFFATHERHOOD for 20% off your order. Just another way that Gladly Family and I are looking to help you on the beginning of your fatherhood journey. Go to to check out all of their products. For parents who want to share some advice leave it in the comment section below. 

Please note: I am working with Gladly Family on a sponsored campaign. I am receiving payment for my work, but my thoughts are my own. 

22 thoughts on “An Open Letter To New Dads”

  1. I agree with your letter, Art. Here is my advice. I would say patience. Try to breathe and know you are doing the best you can do. There will be good days and bad days. Focus on the good and keep growing.

    • Thanks Jeff. All great words of wisdom on parenting. Sounds like you had a good gameplan for fatherhood.

  2. Where was that diaper bag when my kids were babies? I could have used a bag like that since I could not find diaper changing tables in the men’s bathroom when I was out with my kids.

    • That is so true. I would look for family bathrooms back in the day since I knew they would have changing tables.

  3. Always good stuff here, Art. Keep up the great job. That wagon looks like you could go off-roading with your kids. My advice to new parents is to communicate with each other. Being on the same page is everything.

    • Thanks Brian. That is a legit wagon! Gladly products are for real.

  4. My advice is similar to something you talked about on your podcast. Take care of the diapers especially at night. Getting up with your wife is a way you can help her with the nighttime feedings.

    • Totally agree Scott.

  5. My kids are in college, but when they have kids of their own I will tell them about Gladly. In terms of advice for new dads, I would share that swaddling is a key to a baby’s good night sleep. It worked for us when our kids were babies.

    • Nice to hear Geoff. Sounds like you can’t wait to be a grandfather.

  6. My co-worker just had a baby boy. I said that he needs to protect himself when he is changing his son’s diaper. I let my guard down once and never let that happen again. lol.

    • Haha…that is too funny. Dads, take note of Paul’s advice.

    • Haha. This made my day. Congrats on becoming a dad!!

  7. That diaper bag is the stuff that dreams are made of. New dads, always check the diaper bag before you go out. If you don’t your baby will have a blowout when you are out with them.

    • Totally agree with you sir! A blowout will happen if you don’t check the diaper bag before you leave the house.

  8. When your kids are able to eat “regular” food introduce them to all healthy food. They want to eat what you eat. Our kids loved broccoli from the jump.

    • Really like that Simon! Thanks for sharing.


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