Kinzoo Flips The Script On Screen Time 

One of the things that parents struggle with is the balance of technology and their kids. We want our kids to know how to use the internet, but online safety is always a concern. During the pandemic our kids were learning about video calls and taking tests online for school. I know both parents and kids hate when the term screen time comes into play. We want to find that happy place in the middle where we can balance tech and our kids. Thankfully Kinzoo flips the script on screen time. 

Kinzoo Helps Families Embrace Technology 

What if there was an app or company that looks to promote creativity? And what if that same company helps kids learn new skills? Well Kinzoo does just that. They have three entertaining apps that also teach your kids new skills. There is the Kinzoo Messenger, which is an all-ages messaging platform that safely and privately connects families and friends. Every feature in Kinzoo Messenger is designed around our Three C’s: connection, creativity and cultivation. If you are worried about weird ads or pop ups when your kids are online, they take care of that. They designed their Messenger app for families, not advertisers. They never sell your data or show you targeted ads. Every feature reflects their commitment to give children access to the best of technology. To me as a parent I can feel that my kids are safe when using Kinzoo Messenger. 

Connect With Family Whether They Are Near Or Far 

If your kids are missing time with their grandparents well, Kinzoo is looking to change that. Kinzoo Together is an interactive video-calling platform where people can play games and read books on video calls. We all know that your kid’s attention span might not be the best if your relatives are not in the same room. With their Together app the games and books you can play or read together with family members across the world are fun and engaging. Your kids will be able to create fun memories and bond with relatives they interact with on Kinzoo Together. 

Kinzoo Studio Promotes Creativity 

Kinzoo Studio is a story builder where users learn storytelling and basic animation skills by creating characters and stories that they can export as video files. I really enjoy when my kids paint, write or build something using their imagination. When you encourage your kid’s creativity you give them room to grow. With their Studio app your kids can explore the world of animation in a safe way that lets them turn their ideas into reality. Your kids can create their own avatars and adventures. 

You can even encourage them to write stories off-line about the characters they build on the Kinzoo app. That way you can start to show them how to balance screen time and time off devices in a healthy manner. It is something parents should practice as well. Our kids are sponges and they take in everything we do whether we know they are watching or not. Kinzoo is a great way for parents and kids to learn healthy online habits. To learn more, check out their site at 

Please note: I am working with Kinzoo on a sponsored campaign. I am receiving payment for my work, but my thoughts are my own. 

17 thoughts on “Kinzoo Flips The Script On Screen Time ”

  1. The together feature sounds amazing. Ever since covid my parents dont travel as much. They want to see their grandkids and this might be a solution to solve that problem.

    • Definitely check out Kinzoo, Lindsay. I know a lot of families affected by the pandemic and Kinzoo can help families meet up online!

  2. We are concerned about what our kids will be exposed to online. This program sounds like a safe way to navigate the internet.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts David. Check out Kinzoo when your kids get their devices.

  3. Just saw your post on Instagram. Going to check them out. This summer my wife and I want our kids to have something constructive to do. I know my kids will enjoy the studio part of this app.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts Ben! I am glad you guys will check out Kinzoo.

  4. From the different apps we have on our kids devices, it seems like this one has a lot of options and potential that would be good for them.

    • Kinzoo has a ton of great content for the family.

  5. My kids wanted to download Facebook messenger. My wife and I are not fans of Facebook. Kinzoo sounds like a safe messaging app that we will check out.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts Bruce.

  6. There are so many apps out there that have underlying motives. Kinzoo sounds like an app that parents dont have to be afraid of letting their kids use. As a dad, that is a breath of fresh air.

    • Kinzoo is a great and safe app for families!!

  7. I want my kids to have fun, but am always nervous about the graphic content on certain sites. It is refreshing to see a company that goes above and beyond to not bombard impressionable kids with things that are not age appropriate.

    • Well said Carrie. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  8. My parents live in England and they miss their grandkids. This looks like a good way to spend quality time online together than just facetime.

    • Definitely Check out Kinzoo, Curtis!!


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