One Of The Best Gifts A Dad Can Receive On Father’s Day

Around this time of year we are told what dads want for Father’s Day. The traditional gift of a tie or “World’s Best Dad” mug are now seen as archaic. We are told to go bigger and better with the types of gifts you get dear ol’ dad. Yet, with what we all have experienced last year we realize that less can be more in certain circumstances. One gift to give your dad that will not cost you a dime is time to hang out and reconnect with friends and family. Movember, the global men’s health charity, is helping us with some information and tips to get even the busiest dads to relax and recharge this Father’s Day. 

Why Staying Connected Matters 

In 2019, Movember commissioned research across Canada, the UK, USA, and Australia to investigate men’s social connections. It was with a specific emphasis on fatherhood and the impact of becoming a father. The report has evidence showing that becoming a father can be an isolating and stressful experience, particularly in the first 12 months. It identified that having close friends is important for fathers’ mental health because the dads without close friends reported being more likely to experience increased stress levels in the first 12 months of becoming a father (33% say their stress levels increased a lot compared with 23% of all men with at least one close friend).

Sadly, it also identified that 1 in 5 men lose contact with friends when they become a father, meaning that millions of men around the world could be losing key supportive relationships during this key transition in their lives. We tend to let our friendships go as we put our family first. Before you had kids you might have gone golfing or to the movies with your friends. Those times with your friends start to fade away when you become a dad. You may lose contact with your friends, and it is hard to make new friends because you are focused on your family. 

So, make sure you routinely take time for yourself and spend time with your friends. Not only do you benefit from that time, but so do your friends. 

As We Approach Father’s Day 

As we approach Father’s Day, set up time with your friends that you haven’t seen in a bit. Whether you are going to a friend’s house to watch a game or getting together with your college roommates via Zoom, this is a great way to unwind and get some much needed “you time.” 

I have done this a few times already this year. I had a few Zoom chats with my friends and college roommates from other states and had a blast. After a few hours of catching up and having fun conversations my battery was fully charged. I felt like I was a better husband and father because of that time with my friends. It meant a lot to spend quality time with friends. I didn’t have to worry about anything family related for a bit. These moments are priceless. This is a gift that all dads would love to receive this Father’s Day. 

Movember Is There To Help Dads Out 

I started up The Art of Fatherhood not only to share my fatherhood journey, but learn from other dads out there. I feel that running this site has made me a better father. In addition I get to see what other dads are doing and learn from them. I have told my daughters that even when they get done with college that they should never stop learning. You should always strive to learn something new each week. That is why I am a fan of Movember’s website. Movember has been doing great work to make sure guys are taking care of themselves. I have learned a lot on the Movember site about taking care of myself in all faucets. 

Recently they created Family Man, the world’s first parenting tool created by dads, for dads. They believe that dads are a major part of many families, but don’t always have the tools to complete parenting programs. So, in true Movember fashion, they created Family Man to help dads on their fatherhood journey. The free online tool has easy to digest modules and actionable steps to help us through challenging parenting moments. Movember helps you look at parenting from a new perspective. I learned a lot from their interactive videos. This Father’s Day is a great time to start a new chapter in your fatherhood journey. It is definitely time well spent. 

Moving Forward With Movember 

Movember is more than a month. They are a global movement for men’s health and I highly encourage you to check out regularly. They share stories from other guys that are going through similar things that you are going through in your life. The site is filled with parenting tips, videos and guides that will help you and your family. All of the advice that I shared with you from my own experience and the information I learned over from Movember is free. 

Movember has health tips and tricks for taking care of your physical and mental health. If you are showing up for yourself, chances are you are going to show up stronger for your kids. The old proverb that it takes a village to raise a child also holds true when it comes to raising parents. 

Please note: I teamed up with Movember for a paid campaign. Part of that campaign is this article, but my thoughts are my own. 

37 thoughts on “One Of The Best Gifts A Dad Can Receive On Father’s Day”

  1. THIS!!!! I agree with all of this. Just learned about Movember and will check out their site. I think us dads do so much that no one asks us what we want. We all need to have time to ourselves. Thank you for sharing this.

    • You bet! Hope you get some time Father’s Day weekend for you to relax. Make sure you check out Movember’s site. There is a ton of resources there for guys.

  2. Since I became a dad a few years ago I feel like I lost my identity. I can’t tell you how great it is read this to show that I am not alone. A friend recommended your site and I am glad to keep coming back for articles like this.

    • Glad to hear that your friend told you about my site. I am glad you don’t feel alone!

  3. My wife asked me what I wanted for Father’s day this year. I told her a poker night with my friends this month. I miss hanging out with them during the pandemic. This is the only gift I need. Keep writing articles like this. We need more sites like this.

    • That is a way to go “all in.” haha Sorry for the dad joke. Have fun!

  4. More of things like this please. I can’t tell you how much I need a day like this. I am going to book a round of golf with my dad and brother. It will be great to see them. We all got our vax shots and are ready to hang out in person.

    • Nice. Have a great time on the links.

  5. I just spoke with my wife about something like this. I am going to get my bike out and meet up with some friends fathers day weekend. Thanks to you and Movember for encouraging guys to get some time for themselves.

    • Sounds like a fun time. Have a blast Josh.

  6. Going to show this to my husband. I think more dads need to have some time to see friends. After last year we all need to meet up with friends.

    • Thank you Annie. I hope he enjoys this article and tell him to check out the podcast.

    • Have fun Nick!

    • This makes me smile. I wanted to make sure this site brings all dads together. Glad you feel that way!

    • That is great news. Have fun.

  7. This past football season my friends and I have been doing video chats while watching the game. Now that things are gettingback to normal we are going to meet up for one the September games this year.

    • That is awesome!!! Have fun!

  8. One of the reasons I like coming to your site is for articles like this. We need more time to like you said recharge your batteries.

    • Thank you Brian. I appreciate it.

    • Agreed Aaron. The Movember team are doing great work. There are tons of info that can help you!

  9. I have not seen my friends in person for over a year. We are meeting up next month for a camping trip since we all got our vaccine. I know this will make me better dad and husband. I am all for this movement.

    • That is so exciting to hear. You guys will have a great time!!!

  10. I am so excited for an upcoming baseball stadium trip with my friends. We mapped out a few parks near each other that we are going to do a week of games.

    • That is great Levi. You guys should have so much fun.

  11. We are taking my buddy’s RV and checking out the Grand Canyon. There are five of us going. Should be good times!

    • That is on my list for places to travel. Should be an epic trip.

  12. I created a poker room/game room during the pandemic in a room above my garage. I have a few poker nights set up for my friends. It is gonna be great to meet up with them again.

    • Wow…you have been busy! Glad to see your hard work will pay off Anthony.

  13. I have a jam packed Father’s Day weekend. Going throw axes with my friends and then the following day my wife and kids are taking me out for lunch.

    • Nice!!!! Enjoy Father’s Day weekend Charles.

  14. Later this year couple of my neighbors and I are going to Alaska for a guys trip. Never been there, but I heard it is amazing. This is a well needed vacation. Great article. There needs to be more awareness for dads like this site.

    • Whoa!! That sounds awesome. Have fun and thank you for the kind words.


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