Dad Creates Tunnel From Family Junk Drawer To Garbage Can

Scott Benny had enough. The one time neat and organized family junk drawer in the kitchen now looks like what happens when a tornado meets an earthquake. The drawer that was meant for ONLY pens, pencils, wallets, appliance manuals and cord chargers now looks like a garbage heap.  Who Is To Blame For The Junk … Read more

Dad Rents Out Park For Dads Only After Mom Group Excludes Him From Local Meet-Ups

Scott Williams had enough of these mom groups! He needed to create a dads only group. Scott felt like he was always left out of the reindeer games because he was a dad. There were a ton of fun meet ups, but the moms treated him as if he had leprosy when he showed up … Read more

Dad Blocks Off Street So The Ice Cream Truck Can’t Ruin Dinner

Thomas Kulp had enough with this ice cream truck! He knew he had to take matters into his own hands. After the two consecutive weeks of that dilapidated ice cream truck coming down the road Thomas was fed up. Taking on the Ice Cream Man.. He didn’t know which was worse. Was it that old-timey, … Read more

How DMX Songs Are The Keys To Good Parenting

Many people have written books on how you can reach your best parenting potential. Jon Finkel and I wrote a book last year about fatherhood that came from one of my podcast series. With so many parenting books out there it is tough to digest all of that great information. Yet one day I had … Read more