What A Dad Wants. What A Dad Needs.

If you have been watching any of the NBA Playoffs you have seen two NBA stars singing the 90s hit by Christina Aguilera, What A Girl Wants. Why am I mentioning this? Well, that song can be remixed to give you the ultimate road map on what to get your dad for Father’s Day. I know that … Read more

Dad Wants Pack & Ship Stores To Have A Special Lane For Prepared People 

This time of the year, you have so many things that need to get done. Your “To Do” list keeps on growing. You can’t wait to celebrate the holiday with your family on that special day, but each day you seem like you are always running errands. The whole time is money proverb is a … Read more

Dad Creates Petition To Have Families At The Airport 8 Hours Before Departure

For John Howlett being on time is key. At work he would be the first one in the room for a meeting. He feels that if you are 15 minutes early to a meeting that you are on time. If you show up on time you are late. Not only did John’s co-workers feel his … Read more

How Much Time Is Left On Your Parenting Timer?

One recurring theme that my guests on The Art of Fatherhood podcast tell me is that time with your kids goes by so fast. Yes, it might sound cliché, but it is true. When you first become a parent you are flooded with so many emotions and thoughts. In this instance time slows down. When … Read more

The Bittersweet Reminder Of Time And Parenting Courtesy Of Facebook

Every generation experiences parenting in a different way based on their environment. When my parents were in their forties they didn’t have Facebook. So they didn’t get a bittersweet reminder of how fast time goes by when it came to me and my sisters. They would not have received a five year old memory notification … Read more

From The Jedi To The Clones Everyone Has Unfinished Business

This week’s The Clone Wars episode called Unfinished Business treats us to a whole lot of action, nods to the prequels and original trilogy.  In Episode 704, Unfinished Business while Jedi Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi lead an attack against the Separatist forces on Anaxes, the Bad Batch and Anakin Skywalker infiltrate an enemy starship … Read more